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Hannah Jickling

Projects of Hannah Jickling

  • Book launch

    Book launch
    Dis/location 1 - Projet d’articulation urbaine : Square Viger

    This book continues the reflection initiated by the members and collaborators of DARE-DARE with the first part of Dis/location: urban articulation project, which led the center to relocate its offices in 2004 in a temporary shelter at Square Viger until in 2006.

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  • Hannah Jickling & Valerie Salez

    Hannah Jickling & Valerie Salez
    Snow shoveling

    Hannah Jickling and Valerie Salez apply to the task of shoveling snow like most people in the Nordic countries do. Except that they leave the "management and maintenance" aspect of it to propose a very different approach.

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