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    2023-2024 programming

    This program seeks to reflect, stimulate and activate, in all its diversity, the methodological inventiveness of in situ/in socius artistic practices and their transformative potential.

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  • Laetitia de Coninck

    Laetitia de Coninck

    The Percolation public writing project was created from an investigation of/with Parc Sainte-Cunégonde, where knowledge and experiential knowledge are distilled and incorporated to create short texts in a geopoetic approach, an approach to places that is both sensitive and poetic.

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    À la recherche de la variable humaine (X)

    To explore the theme of “Methods and games of space: zones of existence" as part of DARE-DARE's programming, Catherine Lalonde Massecar proposes an approach based on the Machine génératrice de protocoles (mgP) she created in 2022.

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2004      two thousand and four

  • DARE-DARE dépôt 2004

    DARE-DARE dépôt 2004
    Fundraising activity

    After the success of the 2003 edition of this found-raising event, DARE-DARE come back with its store and sells multiple, mass-produced art objects. The profits will go to found the center activities.

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  • Vidéo Paradiso

    Vidéo Paradiso

    Inspired by Pops caravan that nourishes the heart as well as the body, Video Paradiso wants to feed the spirit of the street youth of the big cities as well as the young people of the native communities.

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  • Douglas Scholes

    Douglas Scholes
    (This is) What happens when a thing is maintained (?)

    Douglas Scholes will open a construction site and erect a structure. This structure is however unusual because, from the beginning of its erection, it starts to collapse.

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  • Atelier avec María Teresa Hincapié

    Atelier avec María Teresa Hincapié
    Exploration of temporality

    Exploration of temporality: internalizing the "divided" secular time of the here-and-now into a continuous and unified time. Giving a sacred sense to the use of time through performative action. A physical work on slowness, repetition, immobility and forced displacement.

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  • La Chute : Corps poétique / corps politique

    La Chute : Corps poétique / corps politique
    Exchange and cooperation project: Bogota / Montreal

    La Chute curators proposed to DARE-DARE a project in two parts where ten Quebec artists go to Bogota and where DARE-DARE welcomes four Colombian artists.

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  • Book launch

    Book launch
    Mémoire vive + L'algèbre d'Ariane

    A look back at two recent events undertaken by DARE-DARE: L'algèbre d'Ariane (2000, with Les Brasseurs Art Contemporain, Liège) and Mémoire vive (2002, with the Centre d'histoire de Montréal).

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  • Michel Laforest

    Michel Laforest
    Amoureux flous

    Amoureux flous is interested in the gaze of the other, a gaze constantly immersed in a work of definition. What defines us, if not the gaze of the other?

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  • Alexandra Ranner

    Alexandra Ranner

    A container. A structure that at first glance appears to be a closed box. However, through an opening, the box reveals a reduced model of a corridor.

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  • Art dans la communauté / Communauté dans l'art

    Art dans la communauté / Communauté dans lart
    Forum, Launch and video projection

    This forum explores the idea of community in the context of recent developments in art practices.

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  • Constanza Silva

    Constanza Silva
    Iguana/Iguana confirmed

    Constanza Silva examines the dynamics of flow, transformation and data exchange at the heart of machines as a system.

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  • Boule de neige

    Boule de neige
    12e poste mixte - Scouts Notre-Dame-de-Grâce

    The Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Scouts will install several life-size figures (silhouettes) in different public places in the city. On each of them will be painted a target.

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  • Ève Dorais and Edouard Pretty

    Ève Dorais and Edouard Pretty
    Voyage stationnaire

    Is reality in facts or in beliefs? If reality exists, it is constantly contaminated by human vision and understanding. The Pretty-Dorais duo proposes a fictional journey in two parts.

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