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  • Laetitia de Coninck

    Laetitia de Coninck

    The Percolation public writing project was created from an investigation of/with Parc Sainte-Cunégonde, where knowledge and experiential knowledge are distilled and incorporated to create short texts in a geopoetic approach, an approach to places that is both sensitive and poetic.

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    2023-2024 programming

    This program seeks to reflect, stimulate and activate, in all its diversity, the methodological inventiveness of in situ/in socius artistic practices and their transformative potential.

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    À la recherche de la variable humaine (X)

    To explore the theme of “Methods and games of space: zones of existence" as part of DARE-DARE's programming, Catherine Lalonde Massecar proposes an approach based on the Machine génératrice de protocoles (mgP) she created in 2022.

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2008      two thousand and eight

  • Book launch

    Book launch
    Dis/location 1 - Projet d’articulation urbaine : Square Viger

    This book continues the reflection initiated by the members and collaborators of DARE-DARE with the first part of Dis/location: urban articulation project, which led the center to relocate its offices in 2004 in a temporary shelter at Square Viger until in 2006.

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  • Office Party

    Office Party

    DARE-DARE, articule, La Centrale, and Skol come together to throw the office party of the season.

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  • Anti-cool

    Lone orchestra

    Lone Orchestra is a medley of video, music, and performance. For anti-cool, the japanese artist, it is also a project combining multiple substitutions, sweet imitations, and intimate connections.

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  • Deborah Margo and Devora Neumark

    Deborah Margo and Devora Neumark
    Why should we cry : lamentations in a winter garden

    This participative project has been instigated by the suffering linked to the dissension and alienation that penetrate all spheres of life at the end of the first decade of the XXI century.

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  • Pratiques du territoire IV

    Pratiques du territoire IV
    Occupation - dislocation - mutation

    Lecture series at Cabot Square.

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  • Matthew Biederman

    Matthew Biederman
    DARE Dx

    The electromagnetic spectrum is the breakdown of the electric or magnetic field in which we live every day.

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  • Giorgia Volpe

    Giorgia Volpe
    Point de rencontre

    This project by Giorgia Volpe is an artistic intervention that takes the form of a monumental participatory work.

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  • Dis/location 3

    Dis/location 3
    Square Cabot

    DARE-DARE’s Dis/location: projet d’articulation urbaine, part 3, takes shape in Cabot Square, in the midst of a densely populated area.

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  • J.R. Carpenter

    J.R. Carpenter
    In absentia

    In absentia is a web-based writing project that addresses gentrification and its erasures in the Mile End neighbourhood of Montreal.

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  • Pratiques du territoire III

    Pratiques du territoire III
    Occupation - dislocation - mutation

    In conjunction with the Camping - Aux bons plaisirs fugaces event, presented from June 5 to 8, 2008 in the Parc sans nom, DARE-DARE is offering the public the third part of a series of lectures on the hybrid relationship between art and public space.

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  • Camping Aux bons plaisirs fugaces

    Camping Aux bons plaisirs fugaces

    A festive and community event, the Aux bons plaisirs fugaces campground will offer various participatory activities under the Rosemont viaduct: hikes, collective meals, screen printing, projections, music and creation of a starry sky...

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    Fundraising Event

    Le cabaret unplugged : 4th edition of the legendary DARE-DARE Gala! Foundraiser event for the benefit of DARE-DARE activities, which brings together about twenty artists during a festive evening where performances, videos and musical performances are presented.

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  • Andrea Cavagnaro

    Andrea Cavagnaro
    All love is powerful

    The intervention aims to relate the exterior of the building to the Mission's premises. With the help of the latter, and through the use of various materials, the intervention will transform, even envelop, the exterior façade of the building, while proposing a new reading of the interior of the premises.

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  • proje(c)t(ion)s urbain(e)s

    proje(c)t(ion)s urbain(e)s

    An evening of imaginations/projects/visions for Rosemont viaduct and environs.

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  • Andrée Anne Vien

    Andrée Anne Vien
    Les lieux invisibles

    Les lieux invisibles will come and go through selected Montreal restaurants. Creator, Andrée Anne Vien portrays cultural diversity from two different angles.

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