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150 events found with tag Collective
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  • Claire Beaulieu, Catherine Liberovskaya, Diane Tremblay and Erik E. Roy

    Claire Beaulieu, Catherine Liberovskaya, Diane Tremblay and Erik E. Roy
    Paintings and photographic montages

    Group exhibition.

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    Michel Dumas, D. Kimm, Michel Lefebvre, Pascale Malaterre and Hélène Monette

    A collective exhibition and poetry reading.

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  • Petites pièces

    Petites pièces
    Marie Bourassa, Anne Côté, Johanne Dumoulin, Deborah Margo, Nathalie Font, Erik E. Roy

    DARE-DARE presents six artists who had previously exhibited in the former location in 1985: Marie Bourassa's ceramics, Anne Côté's icons, Nathalie Font's prints, Deborah Margo's and Johanne Dumoulin's drawings, and Erik E. Roy's photographs.

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  • Anne Côté et Erik E. Roy

    Anne Côté et Erik E. Roy
    Drawings-icons and Yellow Photography

    DARE-DARE presents the drawings-icons of Anne Côté and the photographs of Erik E. Roy.

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  • Marie Bourassa, Nathalie Font, Sylvie Guérard

    Marie Bourassa, Nathalie Font, Sylvie Guérard
    Ceramics, engravings, sculptures

    DARE-DARE presents the ceramics of Marie-Bourassa, the engravings of Nathalie Font and the sculptures of Sylvie Guérard.

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  • Johanne Dumoulin, Nancy Firth, Ève-Lucie Bourque

    Drawings, engravings, photographs

    DARE-DARE presents Johanne Dumoulin's prints, Nancy Firth's drawings and Ève-Lucie Bourque's photographs.

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