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211 events found with tag Visual arts
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  • Paul Sayban


    The transcended essence of the architectural place, the Mont St-Michel, its mystical and secular vocation, its passage, its temporal alteration, its social function of before and now transmutes the tragic ephemerality of the vision of a journey, of a pilgrimage and its tourist and mercantile profanations.

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  • Josée Lambert and Alice Bergeron

    La chute de l’icône

    This retrospective exhibition tells the story of five years of collaboration between two women, Josée Lambert and Alice Bergeron.

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  • John Drew Munro

    John Drew Munro

    John Drew Munro's exhibition at DARE-DARE is a reminder of the power of nature over the creative act.

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  • Marie-Hélène Robert

    Marie-Hélène Robert
    Travail de nuit

    Marie-Hélène Robert does not paint, she does not draw, she photocopies.

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  • Conte barbare

    Conte barbare
    Book of 25 lithographs

    The lithographs, previously designed for a collective artists' book, are accompanied by an original short story written by Anne-Marie Régimbald.

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  • Louiselle Frigon

    Louiselle Frigon
    Des arbres

    Louiselle Frigon's trees are painted on canvases that are cut into rectangles, then into squares and then put together.

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  • Monique Veillette

    Monique Veillette

    Monique Veillette exhibits at DARE-DARE three sculptures made of glass, metal and wood.

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  • Sylvie Ste-Marie


    Sylvie St-Marie's works present, to different degrees, geometric forms that appear as fragments of an image to be reconstituted.

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  • Christina Horeau

    Christina Horeau
    Le dur désir de dire

    Christina Horeau explores matter by creating interactions between familiar objects.

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  • Louis Fortier

    Louis Fortier
    Entre deux eaux

    DARE-DARE presents paintings and mixed media by Louis Fortier.

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  • Petites pièces III

    Petites pièces III
    Michel Archambault, Luc Bergeron, Sylvain Bigras, Céline Boucher, Louis Durocher, Catherine Farish, Michèle Gagnon, André Lavoie, Micheline Lévesque, Brigitte Mackay, Daniel Roy, Denis St-Pierre and Diane Tremblay.

    The event brings together works by artists who have exhibited at DARE-DARE during the regular seasons from August 1987 to June 1988, as well as those of artists who have a strong involvement with the gallery.

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  • Marie-Suzanne Gay

    Marie-Suzanne Gay
    Sais-tu si nous sommes encore loin ?

    any of the scenes of nature depicted in Marie-Suzanne Gay's paintings are removed from the frame by a space, a margin that transforms the representation of landscape into the representation of a surface to be painted.

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  • Agnès Dumouchel

    Agnès Dumouchel
    Sculptures and ceramics

    The "aqua-planets" that Agnès Dumouchel exhibits at DARE-DARE announce an astonishing inventiveness.

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  • Shari Neudorf

    Shari Neudorf
    Paintings on canvas, oils and reliefs

    Shari Neudorf's paintings and painted wood constructions illustrate a strong interest in "eclectic" painting by combining several mediums: collage, stencil technique, spray paint, oil paint.

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  • Claire Beaulieu

    Claire Beaulieu

    Claire Beaulieu exhibits a series of sixteen bas-reliefs of the same size in carved and painted wood.

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  • Louis Durocher

    Louis Durocher

    DARE-DARE presents the recent work of Louis Durocher.

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