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173 events found in segment SPECIAL
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  • Students of the Université du Québec à Montréal

    Espoir – Hoffnung – Nadieja

    These lithographic works are born of the hope that emerges through recent political events.

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  • André Duchesne


    In the course of a concert, André Duchesne tells us a little about his taming of music, his ever-living interest in words and his commitment to the world and to life. An itinerary passing through Ferré, Prévert, Hendrix, Morrisson, Jagger and Beaudelaire to let us see and hear what he loves.

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  • Petites pièces

    Claire Beaulieu, Agnès Dumouchel, Louis Fortier, Christina Horeau, Sylvie St-Marie, Monique Veillette, Louiselle Frigon, Hannelore Storm, Marie-Hélène Robert and John Drew Munro

    DARE-DARE organizes an annual exhibition of Petites pièces.

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  • De Rome Ma Chine

    De Rome   Ma Chine
    duo Nathalie and Jean Derome (family atmosphere)

    An intimate show... filled with emotions -big and small. A recital of learned music...where the performers are "smart circus fleas"!

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  • Conte barbare

    Conte barbare
    Book of 25 lithographs

    The lithographs, previously designed for a collective artists' book, are accompanied by an original short story written by Anne-Marie Régimbald.

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  • Petites pièces III

    Petites pièces III
    Michel Archambault, Luc Bergeron, Sylvain Bigras, Céline Boucher, Louis Durocher, Catherine Farish, Michèle Gagnon, André Lavoie, Micheline Lévesque, Brigitte Mackay, Daniel Roy, Denis St-Pierre and Diane Tremblay.

    The event brings together works by artists who have exhibited at DARE-DARE during the regular seasons from August 1987 to June 1988, as well as those of artists who have a strong involvement with the gallery.

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  • Dansité

    Dance performances
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  • Festival international de musiciennes innovatrices (F.I.M.I.)

    Festival international de musiciennes innovatrices (F.I.M.I.)
    Contemporary music: new-jazz, contemporary, rock, ethnic, reggae, performance and improvisation

    Musicians who push back, or should we say advance, the boundaries of musical understanding.

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  • Peinturoton

    Fundraising event

    The DARE-DARE collective invites the whole population to a benefit activity: a painturoton.

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  • Screening of silent films

    Screening of silent films

    A public evening of film screenings.

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  • Petites pièces II

    Petites pièces II
    Nicole Brazeau, Michèle Gagnon, Diane Giguère, Marie-Hélène Robert and Claire-Hélène Tremblay

    "Petites pièces" is an annual event that brings together artists who have already exhibited at the gallery.

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    Michel Dumas, D. Kimm, Michel Lefebvre, Pascale Malaterre and Hélène Monette

    A collective exhibition and poetry reading.

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  • Petites pièces

    Petites pièces
    Marie Bourassa, Anne Côté, Johanne Dumoulin, Deborah Margo, Nathalie Font, Erik E. Roy

    DARE-DARE presents six artists who had previously exhibited in the former location in 1985: Marie Bourassa's ceramics, Anne Côté's icons, Nathalie Font's prints, Deborah Margo's and Johanne Dumoulin's drawings, and Erik E. Roy's photographs.

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