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211 events found with tag Visual arts
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  • Diane Tremblay

    Diane Tremblay
    oeuvres récentes
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  • Catherine Farish and Denis St-Pierre

    Catherine Farish and Denis St-Pierre
    Prints and drawings

    DARE-DARE presents the etchings of Catherine Farish as well as the etchings and drawings of Denis St-Pierre.

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  • Luc Bergeron

    Luc Bergeron
    Drawings, sculptures and paintings

    An exhibition by Luc Bergeron of elements in two or three dimensions where simple, organic and non-figurative forms meet in a constant search for purification.

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  • André Lavoie

    André Lavoie

    By playing with perceptions, André Lavoie creates an effect of distortion of the real and provokes the spectator to go beyond the acquired.

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  • Michel Archambault

    Michel Archambault

    DARE-DARE presents two series of drawings by Michel Archambault.

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  • Kate Freedberg and Sheryl Medicoff

    Kate Freedberg and Sheryl Medicoff
    Color photographs

    DARE-DARE presents the color photographs of Kate Freedberg and Sheryl Medicoff.

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  • Peinturoton

    Fundraising event

    The DARE-DARE collective invites the whole population to a benefit activity: a painturoton.

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  • Sylvain Bigras

    Sylvain Bigras

    Exhibition of paintings in gallery. Sylvain Bigras seeks to convey expression in favor of doing; the unspoken and the untold find their account there.

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  • Daniel Roy

    La source aux chimères

    DARE-DARE presents the paintings, installations and multimedia designs of Daniel Roy who questions the role of the imagination in the transformation of the world.

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  • Paul Smith

    Paul Smith

    Through all sorts of fantasies, Paul Smith tries to outwit the eye of the narrative, linear and pictorial tradition.

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  • Céline Boucher

    Céline Boucher
    Trajectoires et fragments

    Exhibition of drawings, paintings and sculptures in gallery.

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  • Petites pièces II

    Petites pièces II
    Nicole Brazeau, Michèle Gagnon, Diane Giguère, Marie-Hélène Robert and Claire-Hélène Tremblay

    "Petites pièces" is an annual event that brings together artists who have already exhibited at the gallery.

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  • Catherine Arsenault

    Vague chimères

    The DARE-DARE gallery presents the photographs of Catherine Arsenault.

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  • Josée B., Chantal Barrette, Dany Boy, Nathalie Dion and Magalie

    Faits d’hiver

    DARE-DARE presents "Faits d'hiver", an exhibition of five photographers: Josée B., Chantal Barrette, Dany Boy, Nathalie Dion and Magalie.

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  • Jacqueline Bernier and Marie Bourassa

    Jacqueline Bernier and Marie Bourassa
    Without no clothes

    DARE-DARE invites you to discover the photographic works of Jacqueline Bernier and the ceramics of Marie Bourassa.

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  • Rachel Boucher, Suzanne Girard, Marik Boudreau, Marie-Helene Robert and Suzanne Valotaire

    Rachel Boucher, Suzanne Girard, Marik Boudreau, Marie-Helene Robert and Suzanne Valotaire
    Paintings, performance, photocopies and photographs

    DARE-DARE presents five female artists with heterogeneous mediums: Rachel Boucher's paintings, Marie-Helene Robert's performances and photocopies, Suzanne Girard and Marik Boudreau's photographs, Suzanne Valotaire's performances.

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