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106 events found with tag Performance
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  • Anti-cool

    Lone orchestra

    Lone Orchestra is a medley of video, music, and performance. For anti-cool, the japanese artist, it is also a project combining multiple substitutions, sweet imitations, and intimate connections.

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  • Deborah Margo and Devora Neumark

    Deborah Margo and Devora Neumark
    Why should we cry : lamentations in a winter garden

    This participative project has been instigated by the suffering linked to the dissension and alienation that penetrate all spheres of life at the end of the first decade of the XXI century.

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  • Pratiques du territoire III

    Pratiques du territoire III
    Occupation - dislocation - mutation

    In conjunction with the Camping - Aux bons plaisirs fugaces event, presented from June 5 to 8, 2008 in the Parc sans nom, DARE-DARE is offering the public the third part of a series of lectures on the hybrid relationship between art and public space.

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    Fundraising Event

    Le cabaret unplugged : 4th edition of the legendary DARE-DARE Gala! Foundraiser event for the benefit of DARE-DARE activities, which brings together about twenty artists during a festive evening where performances, videos and musical performances are presented.

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  • Caroline Dubois et Julie Favreau

    Caroline Dubois et Julie Favreau
    Plan d'aménagement

    Caroline Dubois and Julie Favreau will build various sets and situations suggesting the opening of a shop or a film set. Development plan takes place in a vacant commercial space on Beaubien street in Petite-Patrie.

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  • Artivistic 2007 [un.occupied space]

    Artivistic 2007 [un.occupied space]
    Que veut dire autochtone?

    Through performance and humor, we look at the projection of Amerindian identity in relation to the economic and tourism environments.

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  • Peinture fraîche

    Peinture fraîche

    Lectures, speeches, launches, tours, screenings, parties!

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    Fundraising event

    3rd edition of the legendary DARE-DARE Gala! Benefit party for the benefit of DARE-DARE activities, which brings together about twenty artists during a festive evening where performances, videos and musical performances are presented.

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  • karen elaine spencer

    karen elaine spencer
    Dream listener

    For a year, karen elaine spencer took to the streets with cardboard signs on which her dreams were written. Follows a dialogue with the people of the street, offering the opportunity to enter the dream world of others.

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  • Sophie Fougy et Simon Girault-Têtevide

    Sophie Fougy et Simon Girault-Têtevide
    Kif-kif bourricot

    The "Kif-kif bourricot" project takes the form of a polyform beast, in constant metamorphosis, vacant at its daily occupations to which the public is invited.

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  • Viva! Art d'Exécution

    Viva! Art dExécution
    Viva! Art Action

    In the course of an evening on Friday, September 29th, and an afternoon on Saturday, September 30th, at the park with no name, DARE-DARE will be the host of performance art presentations as well as related interdisciplinary art forms of today.

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    Fundraising event

    2nd edition of the DARE-DARE Gala! Benefit party for the activities of DARE-DARE which brings together about thirty artists during a festive evening where performances, videos and musical performances are presented.

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  • Tadasu Takamine

    Tadasu Takamine
    Master class

    Interdisciplinary artist in media arts and installation, Tadasu Takamine has participated in exhibitions in Asia, North America and Europe, as well as in Australia, Israel, Mexico and South Africa. Takamine was also a member of the influential DUMB TYPE collective.

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    Le tour du Canada en vélo… stationnaire

    The artist has cycled through the window displays of various artist centers, art galleries and museums and at events in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver and Victoria, accumulating the 8,800 kilometers needed to go to Victoria and back from La Baie where he lives.

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    Fundraising Event

    Benefit event with performances, art videos and musical performances.

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  • Hannah Jickling & Valerie Salez

    Hannah Jickling & Valerie Salez
    Snow shoveling

    Hannah Jickling and Valerie Salez apply to the task of shoveling snow like most people in the Nordic countries do. Except that they leave the "management and maintenance" aspect of it to propose a very different approach.

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