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70 events found with tag Political / social practices
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  • Clément de Gaulejac

    Clément de Gaulejac
    La réserve

    La réserve is an installation conceived from the particular story of a park left without use by the City of Montreal.

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  • Pratiques du territoire I

    Pratiques du territoire I
    Occupation - dislocation - mutation

    In conjunction with the Fête des fleurs at the no name Park, DARE-DARE offers the public the first part of a series of lectures on the hybrid relationship between art and public space.

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  • karen elaine spencer

    karen elaine spencer
    Dream listener

    For a year, karen elaine spencer took to the streets with cardboard signs on which her dreams were written. Follows a dialogue with the people of the street, offering the opportunity to enter the dream world of others.

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  • Collectif Au travail / At work

    Collectif Au travail / At work
    Projet d’emploi et de détournement

    AT WORK / AT WORK is a call for open and free collaboration. This experimental project proposes to artists and workers to consider their workplaces as an artistic place of residency.

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  • Book launch

    Book launch
    Petite enveloppe urbaine - 13th edition

    The participants in this edition, whose theme is Accident: Randall Anderson, Catherine Carmichael, Philippe Hugues, Harold Klunder, Patric Lacasse, Caroline Lavoie, Douglas Scholes and Myriam Yates.

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  • Louis-Philippe Ogé

    Louis-Philippe Ogé
    Les fruits de poteaux

    The artist creates a project in the neighborhoods adjacent to the Jean-Talon Market. The artist presents Les fruits de poteaux, a series of interventions in two parts: the production and marketing on a small scale of a system of public trolleys.

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  • Thomas Grondin

    Thomas Grondin
    Le soldat inconnu

    You are invited to a very special research in the heart of the Centre-Sud district. Le soldat inconnu is a project that has emerged from an important moment in my life and from a find in my family roots.

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    Le tour du Canada en vélo… stationnaire

    The artist has cycled through the window displays of various artist centers, art galleries and museums and at events in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver and Victoria, accumulating the 8,800 kilometers needed to go to Victoria and back from La Baie where he lives.

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  • Art dans la communauté / Communauté dans l'art

    Art dans la communauté / Communauté dans lart
    Forum, Launch and video projection

    This forum explores the idea of community in the context of recent developments in art practices.

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  • BUREAU© (Agnès Aubague and Thomas Lanfranchi)

    BUREAU© (Agnès Aubague and Thomas Lanfranchi)
    Sieste de BUREAU

    "BUREAU©" presents during the weekends of July a series of five flying tents and BUREAU installations near the Lachine Canal.

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  • Manon De Pauw

    Manon De Pauw
    Au travail

    Au travail is the result of a singular residency: a series of in situ shootings carried out at DARE-DARE with the complicity of its team.

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  • Robyn Moody

    Robyn Moody
    Brand Removal Project

    Robyn Moody set up a "mark removal" booth in the antibody gallery.

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  • Ani Deschênes

    Ani Deschênes

    Since September 2000, I have chosen to explore an urban habitat where I can observe the encounters between humans and animals.

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  • Marie-Suzanne Désilets

    Marie-Suzanne Désilets
    Rapport d’enquête

    Since 1996, Marie-Suzanne Désilets has been conducting a series of sociological investigations on pleasure and trust.

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  • Jean-Pierre Aubé

    Jean-Pierre Aubé
    Prélude à l’isolation - Étude sur les possibilités de la vie autarcique

    This experience was based on the notion of autarky according to which one is "independent of others or of a community in the face of otherness".

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  • Les Secrétaires Percutantes

    Les Secrétaires Percutantes
    Contemporary music evening

    Offering an ironic and feminist look at the workplace, seven percussive "secretaries" shook their bureaucratic chips to the delight of the audience.

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