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150 events found with tag Collective
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  • Sophie Fougy et Simon Girault-Têtevide

    Sophie Fougy et Simon Girault-Têtevide
    Kif-kif bourricot

    The "Kif-kif bourricot" project takes the form of a polyform beast, in constant metamorphosis, vacant at its daily occupations to which the public is invited.

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  • Viva! Art d'Exécution

    Viva! Art dExécution
    Viva! Art Action

    In the course of an evening on Friday, September 29th, and an afternoon on Saturday, September 30th, at the park with no name, DARE-DARE will be the host of performance art presentations as well as related interdisciplinary art forms of today.

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    Sensing Place: across zones of Montréal

    SPURSE is a hybrid collective with international ramifications that touches on art and architecture. SPURSE is interested in the reconstruction of the common places, by an examination of the urbanity with a psycho-geographical approach.

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  • Autour de l'Agora

    Autour de lAgora
    Forum Event

    DARE-DARE intends to continue its reflection and experience during the meetings Around the Agora, where artists, sociologists, architects and activists will present approaches, visions, modes of intervention aimed at rethinking the conceptualization, planning, development and organization of the urban landscape.

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  • Collectif Au travail / At work

    Collectif Au travail / At work
    Projet d’emploi et de détournement

    AT WORK / AT WORK is a call for open and free collaboration. This experimental project proposes to artists and workers to consider their workplaces as an artistic place of residency.

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  • Book launch

    Book launch
    Petite enveloppe urbaine - 13th edition

    The participants in this edition, whose theme is Accident: Randall Anderson, Catherine Carmichael, Philippe Hugues, Harold Klunder, Patric Lacasse, Caroline Lavoie, Douglas Scholes and Myriam Yates.

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  • DARE-DARE dépôt 2005

    DARE-DARE dépôt 2005
    Fundraising activity

    DARE-DARE, with its store, sells multiple, mass-produced art objects. The profits will go to found the center activities.

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  • Tadasu Takamine

    Tadasu Takamine
    Master class

    Interdisciplinary artist in media arts and installation, Tadasu Takamine has participated in exhibitions in Asia, North America and Europe, as well as in Australia, Israel, Mexico and South Africa. Takamine was also a member of the influential DUMB TYPE collective.

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  • Périmètre

    A public art event

    Square Viger, its history, its current issues, its physical and social components, is the theme of Périmètre, un événement d'art public.

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  • Expo-sport

    Multidisciplinary exhibition at the Downtown YMCA

    As part of the YMCA Centre-ville activity and location, Expo-sport is a collective exhibition featuring artists Belinda Campbell, Manuelle Gauthier, Mathieu Latulippe, Frédéric Lavoie, Martin Lord and Zipertatou.

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  • Télétaxi

    Video installation in a cab

    At first glance, Teletaxi does not differ from the other taxis circulating in the streets of the city, but passengers who use it discover an interactive video screen at the rear of the vehicle. At random, passengers-viewers watch short animations and videos made by 12 artists.

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  • DARE-DARE dépôt 2004

    DARE-DARE dépôt 2004
    Fundraising activity

    After the success of the 2003 edition of this found-raising event, DARE-DARE come back with its store and sells multiple, mass-produced art objects. The profits will go to found the center activities.

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  • La Chute : Corps poétique / corps politique

    La Chute : Corps poétique / corps politique
    Exchange and cooperation project: Bogota / Montreal

    La Chute curators proposed to DARE-DARE a project in two parts where ten Quebec artists go to Bogota and where DARE-DARE welcomes four Colombian artists.

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  • Book launch

    Book launch
    Mémoire vive + L'algèbre d'Ariane

    A look back at two recent events undertaken by DARE-DARE: L'algèbre d'Ariane (2000, with Les Brasseurs Art Contemporain, Liège) and Mémoire vive (2002, with the Centre d'histoire de Montréal).

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  • Art dans la communauté / Communauté dans l'art

    Art dans la communauté / Communauté dans lart
    Forum, Launch and video projection

    This forum explores the idea of community in the context of recent developments in art practices.

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  • Boule de neige

    Boule de neige
    12e poste mixte - Scouts Notre-Dame-de-Grâce

    The Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Scouts will install several life-size figures (silhouettes) in different public places in the city. On each of them will be painted a target.

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