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106 events found with tag Performance
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  • Christine Lebel

    Christine Lebel
    Je serai... ta cocotte

    Christine Lebel's (aka Chocolate Lady) Montreal exhibition/performance played on the ambiguities between chocolate and sexuality, the artist and the character by making DARE-DARE a place for consumption.

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  • Chuchote-moi à l’oreille

    Chuchote-moi à l’oreille
    Pierre Beaudoin, Suzanne Boutin, Sylvie Cotton, Marie-Josée Dauphinais and laura jeanne lefave

    This event follows the success of the evening of performance "Parlez-moi d'Amour!" presented at DARE-DARE the previous year.

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  • Jean-François Prost

    Jean-François Prost
    Chambre avec vues

    In this outdoor intervention, the room evoked by the title is a shed in a Montreal alley to which the artist had grafted video monitors.

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  • Peter Conlin

    Peter Conlin
    Free Running Toujours Sec

    Through very simple mechanisms, Peter Conlin (Vancouver) draws us into a poetic relationship with images by highlighting their fragility and ephemeral nature.

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  • Yves Gendreau (Gend’Art)

    Yves Gendreau (Gend’Art)
    Chantier #365, L’INTENTION

    Yves Gendreau installed a construction sign with no inscription on a vacant lot in Montreal's central business district.

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  • Les Secrétaires Percutantes

    Les Secrétaires Percutantes
    Contemporary music evening

    Offering an ironic and feminist look at the workplace, seven percussive "secretaries" shook their bureaucratic chips to the delight of the audience.

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  • Parlez-moi d’amour

    Parlez-moi d’amour
    Performance evening

    On the occasion of Valentine's Day, artists, through short performances, address the theme of love.

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  • Cynthia Girard

    Cynthia Girard
    Nous lirons du bout des yeux

    Reading in front of an audience.

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  • Soirée de musique actuelle

    Geneviève Letarte, Martin Tétreault and Diane Labrosse

    A collective musical evening.

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  • Massimo Guerrera

    Massimo Guerrera
    La Cantine, Temporary Head Office

    Started more than three years ago, Massimo Guerrera's project develops around the Canteen, a group formed with Patrick Bourque and Isabelle Chabot.

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  • Infiniment petit 1996

    Fundraising Event

    DARE-DARE invites artists to create a work of art no larger than 3 inches x 3 inches.

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  • Pierre Bellemare

    Pierre Bellemare
    L'autre autoportrait à la veste grise en forme de théâtre

    To suppose to the work of art a glance and, even more, a kind of pre-existence to its materialization, a "presence elsewhere", that the work of the artist makes appear: these propositions found the report of Pierre Bellemare to his work.

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  • Josée Fafard and Stéphane Gregory

    Josée Fafard and Stéphane Gregory
    On fiche le camp

    Josée Fafard and Stéphane Gregory's moving installation mainly features a tent as well as various accessories related to the three "catastrophes" (snowstorm, meteorite fall, flood of instant coffee) that alternately parasitized the installation during its exhibition period.

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  • Kathleen Houston

    Kathleen Houston
    Salmon skin, soulskin

    A set of works where performance, video, photography and a set of artifacts arranged in the form of an installation are brought together.

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  • Naki


    The two artists proposed a series of portrait created by correspondence, in the mode of an exquisite corpse. Drawing, mail art and installation in gallery.

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  • Yolanda Segura

    Yolanda Segura
    Fantaisie Transparente

    The Fantaisie is a humorous reflection of life with its two faces: awakening and pacifying rest... revitalizing repair, ancient heritage of the living matter.

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