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150 events found with tag Collective
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  • Ève Dorais and Edouard Pretty

    Ève Dorais and Edouard Pretty
    Voyage stationnaire

    Is reality in facts or in beliefs? If reality exists, it is constantly contaminated by human vision and understanding. The Pretty-Dorais duo proposes a fictional journey in two parts.

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  • DARE-DARE Dépôt 2003

    DARE-DARE Dépôt 2003
    fundraising event
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  • Interstices 4 x 5 à 7

    Interstices 4 x 5 à 7
    François Quévillon, Lynn Hughes & Simon Laroche, Adad Hannah, Manon de Pauw, Alexandre Castonguay & Mathieu Bouchard

    Interstices is a research group formed by artists exploring the aesthetic and poetic scope of human-computer interfaces in media arts.

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  • Lance Blomgren, Annika Grill and Yvette Poorter

    Lance Blomgren, Annika Grill and Yvette Poorter
    The Complete Owner's Manual

    This collaborative project is based on the concept of the owner's manual. The gallery intervention consists of a variety of three-dimensional objects scattered throughout the space, images and texts displayed on the walls.

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  • BFO Projects

    BFO Projects
    Mitch Robertson, Toby Heys and Women with Kitchen Appliances Room + Board

    This project required the participation of Montreal artists who were asked to transform the DARE-DARE space into a "hostile environment for art".

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  • Jean Derome and Joane Hétu

    Jean Derome and Joane Hétu
    Nous perçons les oreilles

    Free concert including voices, saxophones, flute, various small wind instruments.

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  • Jean-Pierre Gauthier and Martin Tétreault

    Jean-Pierre Gauthier and Martin Tétreault
    Face B

    The exhibition Face B brings together musician Martin Tétreault and installation artist Jean-Pierre Gauthier. Each presents a little-known aspect of his production: Tétreault exposes the results of a year of daily interventions in a 365-page art history book and Gauthier introduces us to his research in experimental music.

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  • Cahier Folie/Culture nº7

    Cahier Folie/Culture nº7
    La collection Des idées reçues

    Fifteen members of DARE-DARE were invited to participate in Folie/Culture No. 7, a project created by curators Johanne Huot and Denis Simard.

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  • Christine Brault, Marie-Suzanne Désilets, Jean-François Prost, Marie-Andrée Rho, Philippe Tessier

    Christine Brault, Marie-Suzanne Désilets, Jean-François Prost, Marie-Andrée Rho, Philippe Tessier
    Nulle part / Ailleurs

    Research outside the walls and gallery exhibition of five members of DARE-DARE and photographic presentation of four projects outside the walls, by Guy L'Heureux.

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  • Teenage crisis: group therapy

    Teenage crisis: group therapy

    On the occasion of its fifteenth anniversary, the members and friends of DARE-DARE invite you to four days of collective venting, which we hope will guide you along the path to happiness.

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  • Chuchote-moi à l’oreille

    Chuchote-moi à l’oreille
    Pierre Beaudoin, Suzanne Boutin, Sylvie Cotton, Marie-Josée Dauphinais and laura jeanne lefave

    This event follows the success of the evening of performance "Parlez-moi d'Amour!" presented at DARE-DARE the previous year.

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  • Les Secrétaires Percutantes

    Les Secrétaires Percutantes
    Contemporary music evening

    Offering an ironic and feminist look at the workplace, seven percussive "secretaries" shook their bureaucratic chips to the delight of the audience.

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  • Parlez-moi d’amour

    Parlez-moi d’amour
    Performance evening

    On the occasion of Valentine's Day, artists, through short performances, address the theme of love.

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  • Nouveaux repères : de jeunes artistes exposent

    Peter Conlin, Chloé Lefebvre, Philippe Tessier

    With the project, DARE-DARE presents the work of three artists who are not yet well known to the public: Peter Conlin, Chloé Lefebvre and Philippe Tessier.

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  • Soirée de musique actuelle

    Geneviève Letarte, Martin Tétreault and Diane Labrosse

    A collective musical evening.

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  • Josée Fafard and Stéphane Gregory

    Josée Fafard and Stéphane Gregory
    On fiche le camp

    Josée Fafard and Stéphane Gregory's moving installation mainly features a tent as well as various accessories related to the three "catastrophes" (snowstorm, meteorite fall, flood of instant coffee) that alternately parasitized the installation during its exhibition period.

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