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100 events found with tag Territory / In situ
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  • Jean-Pierre Aubé

    Jean-Pierre Aubé
    Prélude à l’isolation - Étude sur les possibilités de la vie autarcique

    This experience was based on the notion of autarky according to which one is "independent of others or of a community in the face of otherness".

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  • Jean-François Prost

    Jean-François Prost
    Chambre avec vues

    In this outdoor intervention, the room evoked by the title is a shed in a Montreal alley to which the artist had grafted video monitors.

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  • Yves Gendreau (Gend’Art)

    Yves Gendreau (Gend’Art)
    Chantier #365, L’INTENTION

    Yves Gendreau installed a construction sign with no inscription on a vacant lot in Montreal's central business district.

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  • Stéphane Gilot

    Stéphane Gilot
    C’est en suivant la frontière, en longeant la surface...

    A Belgian artist recently settled in Montreal, Stéphane Gilot presents at DARE-DARE an installation that highlights elements of painting and architecture.

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