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277 events found in segment INTERVENTIONS
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  • Louis-Philippe Ogé

    Louis-Philippe Ogé
    Les fruits de poteaux

    The artist creates a project in the neighborhoods adjacent to the Jean-Talon Market. The artist presents Les fruits de poteaux, a series of interventions in two parts: the production and marketing on a small scale of a system of public trolleys.

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  • Jean-Maxime Dufresne and Virginie Laganière

    Jean-Maxime Dufresne and Virginie Laganière
    Hot Spots

    During heat waves, the Hot Spots project focuses on the sphere of leisure and the transformations that its practice causes on urban space and social interactions.

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  • Rose-Marie Goulet

    Rose-Marie Goulet
    Nos frontières

    Borders divide us. Borders bring us closer. Borders belong to us. They are geographical, cartographic, political, linguistic, ethnic, social, economic, cultural... They are infinite. But they are not indefinite.

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  • Thomas Grondin

    Thomas Grondin
    Le soldat inconnu

    You are invited to a very special research in the heart of the Centre-Sud district. Le soldat inconnu is a project that has emerged from an important moment in my life and from a find in my family roots.

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    Le tour du Canada en vélo… stationnaire

    The artist has cycled through the window displays of various artist centers, art galleries and museums and at events in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver and Victoria, accumulating the 8,800 kilometers needed to go to Victoria and back from La Baie where he lives.

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  • Hannah Jickling & Valerie Salez

    Hannah Jickling & Valerie Salez
    Snow shoveling

    Hannah Jickling and Valerie Salez apply to the task of shoveling snow like most people in the Nordic countries do. Except that they leave the "management and maintenance" aspect of it to propose a very different approach.

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  • Douglas Scholes

    Douglas Scholes
    (This is) What happens when a thing is maintained (?)

    Douglas Scholes will open a construction site and erect a structure. This structure is however unusual because, from the beginning of its erection, it starts to collapse.

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  • La Chute : Corps poétique / corps politique

    La Chute : Corps poétique / corps politique
    Exchange and cooperation project: Bogota / Montreal

    La Chute curators proposed to DARE-DARE a project in two parts where ten Quebec artists go to Bogota and where DARE-DARE welcomes four Colombian artists.

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  • Michel Laforest

    Michel Laforest
    Amoureux flous

    Amoureux flous is interested in the gaze of the other, a gaze constantly immersed in a work of definition. What defines us, if not the gaze of the other?

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  • Alexandra Ranner

    Alexandra Ranner

    A container. A structure that at first glance appears to be a closed box. However, through an opening, the box reveals a reduced model of a corridor.

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  • Constanza Silva

    Constanza Silva
    Iguana/Iguana confirmed

    Constanza Silva examines the dynamics of flow, transformation and data exchange at the heart of machines as a system.

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  • Ève Dorais and Edouard Pretty

    Ève Dorais and Edouard Pretty
    Voyage stationnaire

    Is reality in facts or in beliefs? If reality exists, it is constantly contaminated by human vision and understanding. The Pretty-Dorais duo proposes a fictional journey in two parts.

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  • Shannon Cochrane and Jacob Wren

    Shannon Cochrane and Jacob Wren
    Five Important Books

    The academic community and the general public often debate the criteria for recognition of literary work. The importance given to a book reflects the values of a society. The Five Important Books project takes these issues out of the realm of normative discourse and places them in the hands of readers who still appreciate a good book.

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  • Denise Hawrysio

    Denise Hawrysio
    In the Full Light of Reason

    Denise Hawrysio's (London, England) project consists of a deconstruction of the architecture of the gallery space.

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  • Adrienne Spier

    Adrienne Spier
    Waiting Rooms and Offices

    The installation is composed of two generic spaces: a waiting room and an office. These spaces are occupied by institutional furniture.

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  • BUREAU© (Agnès Aubague and Thomas Lanfranchi)

    BUREAU© (Agnès Aubague and Thomas Lanfranchi)
    Sieste de BUREAU

    "BUREAU©" presents during the weekends of July a series of five flying tents and BUREAU installations near the Lachine Canal.

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