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211 events found with tag Visual arts
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  • P.K. Langshaw

    P.K. Langshaw
    La politique de la signature / La poétique de la signification

    The identification of the individual, for institutional purposes, has been reduced to a system of digital codes.

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  • Vera Greenwood

    Vera Greenwood
    Significant / Insignificant

    This project is a collection of notes, photographs and wallpaper.

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  • Infiniment petit 1993

    Fundraising Event

    DARE-DARE invites last season's artists to create a work no larger than 3 inches x 3 inches.

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  • Sophie Jodoin and Susie Acheson

    Sophie Jodoin and Susie Acheson
    Natures mortes en sept tableaux & Le corps-fantôme

    An installation of paintings and photography.

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  • Agnès Fortin, Ginette Prince and Manon B. Thibault

    Agnès Fortin, Ginette Prince and Manon B. Thibault

    The exhibition stages different mixes: photo-painting, photo-watercolor, photo-video and other materials that are coupled with photography.

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  • Lucie Gagnon and Julie Pelletier

    Lucie Gagnon and Julie Pelletier
    Open studio: printmaking and mixed media

    During Lucie Gagnon and Julie Pelletier's time at DARE-DARE, the gallery space is transformed into a working studio.

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  • Lise-Hélène Larin

    Lise-Hélène Larin
    Vice de forme

    The installation is a PARA/SITE which aims, in a playful spirit, to test the resistances of the art system, its immunology (!), by modifying the exhibition context as well as the habits of the artist and the viewer.

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  • Jocelyn Philibert

    Jocelyn Philibert
    Coupe à blanc

    Installation in gallery.

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  • Sarla Voyer

    Sarla Voyer
    Lieux-dits : les similitudes

    Installation, sculptures and photographs. In this project, photography is integrated as a constituent material of a work that closely links two and three-dimensional space, one lending itself to the construction of the other.

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  • Suzanne Maurice

    Suzanne Maurice
    Calendes Gaïesques

    The works of Suzanne Maurice do not oppose the discourse and the matter. Her ceramics representing women's bodies are matter of the discourse whose source is the daily life.

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  • Sophie Lanctôt

    Sophie Lanctôt

    Born in Montreal, Sophie Lanctôt has a master's degree in painting from Concordia University.

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  • Alain Bouchard

    Alain Bouchard

    Exhibition in gallery. Alain Bouchard seeks to give a poetic value to both objects and materials.

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  • Carren Tyler

    Carren Tyler

    Carren Tyler wants to make visual language easily accessible, even familiar to the viewer.

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  • Infiniment petit 1992

    Fundraising Event

    For the 4th edition, the artists of the last season are invited to create a small work not exceeding 3" x 3".

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  • Danielle Hébert

    Danielle Hébert

    The shadow as a trace of a presence is what the title of Danielle Hébert's new series of photographs, Clairière, suggests.

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  • Lise Landry and Lise Nantel

    Erreur sur la personne

    DARE-DARE presents Lise Landry and Lise Nantel interested in a creative process of double interaction: between the artists themselves, but also between the artists and the public.

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