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278 events found in segment INTERVENTIONS
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  • BUREAU© (Agnès Aubague and Thomas Lanfranchi)

    BUREAU© (Agnès Aubague and Thomas Lanfranchi)
    Sieste de BUREAU

    "BUREAU©" presents during the weekends of July a series of five flying tents and BUREAU installations near the Lachine Canal.

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  • Sally Lee Sheeks

    Sally Lee Sheeks

    In Montreal, Sally Lee Sheeks sketched three fountains: the large fountain in the Lafontaine Park basin, Jocelyne Alloucherie's fountain-sculpture Tables de jours, and the fountain basin at Place des Arts.

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  • Thomas Bégin

    Thomas Bégin

    The project consists of the construction of a small building and the development of a gallery space.

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  • Manon De Pauw

    Manon De Pauw
    Au travail

    Au travail is the result of a singular residency: a series of in situ shootings carried out at DARE-DARE with the complicity of its team.

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  • Lance Blomgren, Annika Grill and Yvette Poorter

    Lance Blomgren, Annika Grill and Yvette Poorter
    The Complete Owner's Manual

    This collaborative project is based on the concept of the owner's manual. The gallery intervention consists of a variety of three-dimensional objects scattered throughout the space, images and texts displayed on the walls.

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  • Paul Landon

    Paul Landon

    A small room is erected in the gallery. The viewer can enter this space to watch four video screens embedded in its walls.

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  • Julie Marchand

    Julie Marchand

    Photographic works are presented in public restrooms of bars and restaurants on advertising supports.

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  • Natacha Roussel

    Natacha Roussel

    Natacha Roussel hijacks interactive 3D. She uses it in conjunction with sculpture to create an immersive environment that addresses the organic world and through it the most archaic feelings.

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  • Jean-François Courtilat

    Jean-François Courtilat

    Psychopompe's exhibition is a reflection on recurring questions in art: death, humor, the body.

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  • Julie Andrée T.

    Julie Andrée T.
    Problématique provisoire

    Julie Andrée T. prepared a gallery project that combined a performative action with an investment of space, a research and creation project based on the experience of meeting points between body, object and space through principles such as fusion, passage, juxtaposition or superposition.

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  • Catherine Préfontaine

    Catherine Préfontaine

    Catherine Préfontaine elaborates a parallel between the plastic and acoustic vocabularies. Her work is situated in the spatial representation of lost signals such as vibratory currents, electromagnetic signals and radio waves.

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  • Robyn Moody

    Robyn Moody
    Brand Removal Project

    Robyn Moody set up a "mark removal" booth in the antibody gallery.

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  • BFO Projects

    BFO Projects
    Mitch Robertson, Toby Heys and Women with Kitchen Appliances Room + Board

    This project required the participation of Montreal artists who were asked to transform the DARE-DARE space into a "hostile environment for art".

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  • Valérie Blass

    Valérie Blass
    Le regard des animaux sur la figure

    The animals' view of the figure is a playful yet rigorous investigation of the possible reactions of different animals to art objects placed in their natural environment.

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  • Kirsten Forkert

    Kirsten Forkert
    Entre nous deux...

    Kirsten Forkert uses the Goethe Institute's film room to explore human relationships. Her project focuses on the visitor's personal experience as an audience.

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  • Christine Maigne

    Christine Maigne

    Christine Maigne proposes to make pilosities appear on the walls of the gallery which are usually devoid of them.

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