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278 events found in segment INTERVENTIONS
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  • Ani Deschênes

    Ani Deschênes

    Since September 2000, I have chosen to explore an urban habitat where I can observe the encounters between humans and animals.

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  • Jean-Pierre Gauthier and Martin Tétreault

    Jean-Pierre Gauthier and Martin Tétreault
    Face B

    The exhibition Face B brings together musician Martin Tétreault and installation artist Jean-Pierre Gauthier. Each presents a little-known aspect of his production: Tétreault exposes the results of a year of daily interventions in a 365-page art history book and Gauthier introduces us to his research in experimental music.

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  • Karen Spencer

    Karen Spencer
    Expect nothing

    The position of the viewer in the work is an important and current topic that Karen Spencer addresses using the strategy of duality: on the one hand, a personalized encounter around a very simple action in the room and on the other hand, the inscription of her personal and intimate life in the more formal context of the gallery.

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  • Victoria Stanton

    Victoria Stanton
    Split : One year later

    Through lyrics, songs and gestures of remarkable precision, she traced the evolution of her identity as a woman, artist and member of a Jewish family.

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  • Geneviève Crépeau

    Geneviève Crépeau
    Mon chien, c’est ma vie

    Geneviève Crépeau (eight months pregnant!), accompanied by her two acolytes, sang about the ups and downs of the artist's life.

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  • Emanuel Licha

    Emanuel Licha
    Lovelcro - Les chants d’amour

    Emanuel Licha met couples in their homes. He had them put on suits made of Velcro strips that they experimented with in their privacy, without the presence of the artist.

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  • Cyrille Mariën

    Cyrille Mariën
    Opération Booléenne

    Since 1994, Cyrille Mariën (Lorient, France) has been exhibiting Objects-Supports on which other artistic practices or experiments can be grafted.

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  • Marie-Suzanne Désilets

    Marie-Suzanne Désilets
    Rapport d’enquête

    Since 1996, Marie-Suzanne Désilets has been conducting a series of sociological investigations on pleasure and trust.

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  • Jean-Pierre Aubé

    Jean-Pierre Aubé
    Prélude à l’isolation - Étude sur les possibilités de la vie autarcique

    This experience was based on the notion of autarky according to which one is "independent of others or of a community in the face of otherness".

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  • Denis Farley (Montréal)

    Denis Farley (Montréal)
    Présence étalonnée

    In addition to offering the public a direct experience of the work in the street, this project simultaneously presented DARE-DARE with the artist's research space.

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  • Ildiko Repasi

    Ildiko Repasi
    The Laugh

    Through her installations, Ildiko Repasi (Brooklyn, USA) constructs artificial environments to trap the visitor. The installation The Laugh confronted us from the outset with a raised floor accessible by a staircase.

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  • Christine Lebel

    Christine Lebel
    Je serai... ta cocotte

    Christine Lebel's (aka Chocolate Lady) Montreal exhibition/performance played on the ambiguities between chocolate and sexuality, the artist and the character by making DARE-DARE a place for consumption.

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  • Nicolas Chiffe

    Nicolas Chiffe
    Crystal Penthouse - Montreal

    Nomadic artist Nicolas Chiffe (Brighton, England) studies the architecture and history of major North American cities from which he creates "dreamlike architectural hypotheses".

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  • Mireille Lavoie

    Mireille Lavoie
    Qu’est-ce qui donne soif?

    Mireille Lavoie (Quebec) works with construction materials such as plywood to create sculptures with vaguely familiar, even comfortable shapes.

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  • Mitch Robertson

    Mitch Robertson
    Famous TM

    This young Toronto artist has transformed the gallery into a "Graceland that pays homage" evoking a museum gift store.

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  • Jean-François Prost

    Jean-François Prost
    Chambre avec vues

    In this outdoor intervention, the room evoked by the title is a shed in a Montreal alley to which the artist had grafted video monitors.

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