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173 events found in segment SPECIAL
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  • DARE-DARE dépôt 2004

    DARE-DARE dépôt 2004
    Fundraising activity

    After the success of the 2003 edition of this found-raising event, DARE-DARE come back with its store and sells multiple, mass-produced art objects. The profits will go to found the center activities.

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  • Vidéo Paradiso

    Vidéo Paradiso

    Inspired by Pops caravan that nourishes the heart as well as the body, Video Paradiso wants to feed the spirit of the street youth of the big cities as well as the young people of the native communities.

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  • Atelier avec María Teresa Hincapié

    Atelier avec María Teresa Hincapié
    Exploration of temporality

    Exploration of temporality: internalizing the "divided" secular time of the here-and-now into a continuous and unified time. Giving a sacred sense to the use of time through performative action. A physical work on slowness, repetition, immobility and forced displacement.

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  • Book launch

    Book launch
    Mémoire vive + L'algèbre d'Ariane

    A look back at two recent events undertaken by DARE-DARE: L'algèbre d'Ariane (2000, with Les Brasseurs Art Contemporain, Liège) and Mémoire vive (2002, with the Centre d'histoire de Montréal).

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  • Art dans la communauté / Communauté dans l'art

    Art dans la communauté / Communauté dans lart
    Forum, Launch and video projection

    This forum explores the idea of community in the context of recent developments in art practices.

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  • Boule de neige

    Boule de neige
    12e poste mixte - Scouts Notre-Dame-de-Grâce

    The Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Scouts will install several life-size figures (silhouettes) in different public places in the city. On each of them will be painted a target.

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  • DARE-DARE Dépôt 2003

    DARE-DARE Dépôt 2003
    fundraising event
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  • Interstices 4 x 5 à 7

    Interstices 4 x 5 à 7
    François Quévillon, Lynn Hughes & Simon Laroche, Adad Hannah, Manon de Pauw, Alexandre Castonguay & Mathieu Bouchard

    Interstices is a research group formed by artists exploring the aesthetic and poetic scope of human-computer interfaces in media arts.

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  • Jean Derome and Joane Hétu

    Jean Derome and Joane Hétu
    Nous perçons les oreilles

    Free concert including voices, saxophones, flute, various small wind instruments.

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  • Cahier Folie/Culture nº7

    Cahier Folie/Culture nº7
    La collection Des idées reçues

    Fifteen members of DARE-DARE were invited to participate in Folie/Culture No. 7, a project created by curators Johanne Huot and Denis Simard.

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  • Christine Brault, Marie-Suzanne Désilets, Jean-François Prost, Marie-Andrée Rho, Philippe Tessier

    Christine Brault, Marie-Suzanne Désilets, Jean-François Prost, Marie-Andrée Rho, Philippe Tessier
    Nulle part / Ailleurs

    Research outside the walls and gallery exhibition of five members of DARE-DARE and photographic presentation of four projects outside the walls, by Guy L'Heureux.

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  • Teenage crisis: group therapy

    Teenage crisis: group therapy

    On the occasion of its fifteenth anniversary, the members and friends of DARE-DARE invite you to four days of collective venting, which we hope will guide you along the path to happiness.

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  • Chuchote-moi à l’oreille

    Chuchote-moi à l’oreille
    Pierre Beaudoin, Suzanne Boutin, Sylvie Cotton, Marie-Josée Dauphinais and laura jeanne lefave

    This event follows the success of the evening of performance "Parlez-moi d'Amour!" presented at DARE-DARE the previous year.

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  • Parlez-moi d’amour

    Parlez-moi d’amour
    Performance evening

    On the occasion of Valentine's Day, artists, through short performances, address the theme of love.

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  • Soirée de musique actuelle

    Geneviève Letarte, Martin Tétreault and Diane Labrosse

    A collective musical evening.

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  • Infiniment petit 1996

    Fundraising Event

    DARE-DARE invites artists to create a work of art no larger than 3 inches x 3 inches.

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