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5 events found with tag Mediation
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  • Job offer

    Head of mediation and programming assistant

    DARE-DARE is looking for a dynamic, autonomous individual to fill the position of Cultural Mediation Manager and Programming Assistant.

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  • Round Table

    Round Table
    with Camille Deslauriers Ménard, María Ezcurra and Mariza Rosales Argonza

    Camille Deslauriers Ménard, María Ezcurra and Mariza Rosales Argonza take part in a round-table discussion to revisit the projects in our QU'EST-CE QUI TRAVERSE VOUS? program, which all share a participatory approach.

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  • Camille Deslauriers Ménard

    Camille Deslauriers Ménard
    Une histoire du bout des doigts / A story from the fingertips

    "Une histoire du bout des doigts" is first of all a walk to a place, a center for the elderly, it is a collection of natural materials on the urban territory, it is a presence full of benevolence...

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  • HALTE 2021 programming season

    HALTE 2021 programming season
    Mediation center

    Welcome to our small library whose collection on art in public space covers various themes: living art, poetry, architecture, artists' books.

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  • Season opening of the HALTE

    Season opening of the HALTE
    Documentation Centre

    Pavilion of reference and reflexion on art in Public Space.

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