It's a tradition at DARE-DARE to periodically hold a workshop day. It's a privileged moment to reflect together on our mandate, to clarify its specificity, to clarify its objectives and, if need be, to review/refine/formulate new, relevant and current lines of research.
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Journée d'étude 2025
Read moreChedly Boughedir
ResidencyMicro-residence outing at La HALTERead moreChedly Boughedir was in a two-day research residency at La HALTE.
Isabelle Lapierre
ResidencyMicro-residency at La HALTERead moreIsabelle Lapierre was in a two-day research residency at La HALTE.
Fabuler l'école
Fabuler l'écoleCreuser un trouRead moreOn June 14, participants from Fabuler l'école joined forces at Charejo farm, located in Lanaudière, to continue the "Creuser un trou" process begun last year.
À la recherche de la variable humaine (X)Read moreTo explore the theme of “Methods and games of space: zones of existence" as part of DARE-DARE's programming, Catherine Lalonde Massecar proposes an approach based on the Machine génératrice de protocoles (mgP) she created in 2022.
Call for proposals 2024
ResidencyRead moreThis summer, DARE-DARE invites you to experience a research blitz in the public space. The micro-residencies aim to question and (re)animate our relationship to reading, archives and exchange.
Call for proposals 2024-2025
ResidencyResearcher in residencyRead moreIndependent research residency around the artists, projects and activities of DARE-DARE's 2024-2025 programming: Méthodes et jeux de l’espace : zones d’existences
Daniel Fiset
Residencymnémosyne pont de glaceRead moreMicro-residency - DARE-DARE, institution instituante?
ResidencyCamille RichardRead moreFollowing her micro-residency at La HALTE, researcher Camille Richard will lead a reflective workshop entitled: DARE-DARE, institution instituante?
Fabuler l'école
Fabuler l'écoleExercise books, reflection tool, magic kit or all of the aboveRead moreThe Critical Space Committee of DARE-DARE welcomes and joins a group of participants in the solarium of the Cité-des-hospitalières.
ResidencyKama La Mackerel fanzineRead moreFollowing their residency as a researcher for the TRADUCTION programming (2021-2022), Kama la Mackerel launches a fanzine accompanied by a performance at the Livresse bookstore.
Micro-residency at la HALTE - Todo Lengua
ResidencyMarcela BórquezRead moreThe project Todo Lengua is an invitation to become language, completely and in every sense. It seeks to offer a space for embodied and collective reading to find relationships between words, sounds, bodies and territories.
Micro-residency at la HALTE - Lectures Héliotropes
ResidencyPhorie CollectiveRead moreThe collective Phorie takes posession of the HALTE for a few days of research in our collection, followed by a collective activity similarly to a Circle of reading.
Call for proposals 2022
ResidencyMicro-residencies at the HALTERead moreThis summer, DARE-DARE invites you to experience a research blitz in the public space. The micro-residencies aim to question and (re)animate our relationship to reading, archives and exchange.
Micro-residencies at the HALTE
ResidencyLaurence Beaudoin Morin and Collectif Leisure (Meredith Carruthers & Susannah Wesley)Read moreLaurence Beaudoin Morin and Leisure collective (Meredith Carruthers & Susannah Wesley) come at The HALTE for brief research residencies in our collection, in preparation for collective activities they will initiate.
Call for proposals 2021
ResidencyMicro-residencies at la HALTERead moreDARE-DARE invites you to a brief public space research experience at HALTE (Pavilion for Reference and Reflection on Art in Public Space) in the fall of 2021.