3,2,1, ZERO, Blast off !
11:53 AM
Today is THE day ! DARE-DARE’s SATELLITE project is launched.
Satellite - Detroit
To start its 26th birthday with a bang, DARE-DARE is programming an ambitious project entitled SATELLITE. DARE-DARE will travel to Detroit and Tijuana for three-week “artist-organization-in-residencies” in each city.

Four projects will be showcased : Douglas Scholes’ Installation, Jason Botkin’s wallpainting, Adrian Blackwell’s lecture and the participation of our Detroit special guest. We also would like to invite you to the closing party on October 13th at The Imagination Station in Detroit and at the Bain Mathieu in Montreal. You’re all welcome !
Have a look to the first images of SATELLITE. More to come...
Your questions, comments and suggestions are always welcome.
Please, keep in touch with us !