Neighborhood experience and innovation
This conference-experience is dedicated to the issues of communication in public space. The discussion between representatives of the academic, community and artistic communities is accompanied by a visit to the DARE-DARE artist-run center.
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The experience
Artist-run centre DARE-DARE, located near Atwater Market, focuses on exploring, questionning and bringing forward an evolution of contemporary art practices, spaces and modes of dissemination and to promote their democratization and accessibility. The tour will be commented by the author, artist and PhD candidate Nicholas Dawson, who is currently participating in a writer’s residency, inspired by the neighbourhood surrounding the trailer and the experience of public dissemination of his writings.
The conference
Following the tour, participants will move around the Petite-Bourgogne neighbourhood, towards Centre culturel Georges-Vanier to attend a conversation facilitated by Christian Poirier, professor at the Centre Urbanisation Culture Société of the INRS.
The thematic
Issues around communication are at the core of urban studies. Development projects within a neighborhood, wether they concern it globally (The Innovation Quarter, for example) or according to a more micro approach (specific projects, ephemeral, etc.) necessarily raise the question of communications between partners of a project (public, private, unions, citizens, etc.)
To bring it farther than its traditional meaning of transmission of information from one person (source) to a recipient (public), communication is also seen more broadly, in a social conception, as a plurality of partners engaging in different ways on a common situation. Communication is then a relationship, a meeting between world views, sharing, conversations in public spaces. Its conditions of existence represent a core issue in the development of a democratic framework to foster citizen participation and approprition of public spaces.
The Panelists
• Nicholas Dawson (author, artist/PhD student, UQAM)
• Hanieh Ziaei (art sociologist/ executive director, Centre culturel Georges-Vanier)
• Imen Ben Jemia (researcher, CRIEM)
• Geneviève Massé (member of DARE-DARE)
17h15 Meeting at DARE-DARE
17h30-17h35 Welcoming speech (CRIEM/QI)
17h35-18h20 Tour of DARE-DARE
18h20-18h30 Walk and set up at Centre culturel Georges-Vanier
18h30-19h25 Panel
19h25-19h30 Closing and acknowloedgments