Avec du l'autre
DARE-DARE is pleased to invite the public to the launch of the artist's book "Avec du l’autre" by Sylvie Cotton. The event will is held at L'Euguélionne Feminist Bookstore.
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LAUNCH OF THE ARTIST BOOK Avec du l’autre by Sylvie Cotton
A SAGAMIE and 3e imperial co-edition
DARE-DARE is pleased to invite the public to the launch of the artist's book "Avec du l’autre" by Sylvie Cotton. The event will is held at L'Euguélionne Feminist Bookstore.
Based on the concepts of presence and encounter, Sylvie Cotton's research continues to surprise and challenge our understanding. Her commitment is uncompromising, her creative practice is deeply rooted in her practice of existence; it focuses on the authenticity and the pregnance of the present moment.
The Incursions project carried out as a long-term art residency at 3e Imperial Art Center is proof of this. The artist weaves a web of co-presences by creating situations in which encounter and otherness form the moving components of a work in progress. Eleven people from different spaces, all with sharing a link, near or far, with the community of Granby, some knowing the artist, others not, welcome her for one or more incursions into their home or their work space. These Incursions are traced in the story Avec du l’autre, artist's book which testifies, with writing, drawing, image and photo, of the meetings and reflections that constitute the matter of this long course project.
Sylvie Cotton inspire the many situations that life offers to expire them in the world of art. This biographical material is privileged. To make art is to live an encounter with oneself, with the other as well as with all other phenomenons, material or immaterial, subtle or manifest, then to let them act to see the color of this meeting, to reveal the potential of friction and reciprocal influences. The works are performed in an aesthetic of cordiality, and union, while the modes of presentation consists in the offering, expansion and collection. Sylvie Cotton uses various mediums: performance and action art, artist's book, drawing, photography, installation and writing. She has presented her projects in Quebec, Mexico, the United States, Japan and several European countries.