Cahier Folie/Culture nº7
La collection Des idées reçues
Fifteen members of DARE-DARE were invited to participate in Folie/Culture No. 7, a project created by curators Johanne Huot and Denis Simard.
Fifteen members of DARE-DARE were invited to participate in Folie/Culture No. 7, a project created by curators Johanne Huot and Denis Simard. Like all 76 participating artists, they came to the Engramme studio (Quebec City) to create a drawing on the theme of preconceived ideas about mental illness. A performance launch evening was held at DARE-DARE and an exhibition followed where the pages of the booklet were printed on tissue paper and sold in packages. This collaboration allowed several artists to reflect on the question of art and madness. Also, most of the artists were able to experiment with a new medium, lithography, and (re)visit the Engramme studios and the Méduse complex in Quebec City. The exhibition was also presented at L'Œil de Poisson (Quebec City) and at the Centre d'Art actuel le Lobe (Chicoutimi).
Openable and unfoldable, the collection/booklet includes 18 creative texts, including one specially commissioned from Michaël La Chance, and 71 original works, each printed in 118 copies on Kleenex. The 8378 lithographic prints are thus compacted to form the eight parts that make up the complete collection Des idées reçues sur la folie, presented in the form of the new Cahier Folie/Culture, the seventh. La collection Des idées reçues - Cahier Folie/Culture no 7, initiated by curators Johanne Huot and Denis Simard, dares to walk between two preconceived worlds, two worlds of received ideas. Both an object of awareness and a questioning of the value we place on the individual in our society, the collection/book also questions, through its content and form, the value we place on the work of art. With this unifying project in contemporary arts and literature, Folie/Culture once again raises an important social issue: that of the rapprochement between culture and madness, this time multiplying the "art/folie" reversals to the extreme.
Jocelyne Alloucherie - Marie-Josée Beaubien - Berri Bergeron and Rachel Dubuc - BGL - Ivan Binet - Jacques Blanchet - Caroline Boileau - Carl Bouchard - Mariette Bouillet - Andrée Bonnet - Christine Brault and Philippe Girard - Martin Bureau and Éric Gagnait - Éric Burman - Sylvie Bussières - Louise Cadieux - Henri-Louis Chalem - François Chevalier - Guylaine Coderre - Marie-Andrée Conroy - Daniel Corbeil - Claudine Cotton - Sylvie Cotton - Nancy Couture - Sheila Couture - Alexandre David - Raphaelle de Groot - Manon De Pauw - Nathalie Derome - Marie-Suzanne Désilets - Patrice Duchesne - Lucie Fortin - Natacha Gagné - Stéphane Gilot - Tania Girard- Savoie - Charles Guilbert - Pierre Hamelin - Pauline Hébert - Johanne Huot - Micheline Huot - Michael Johnson - Isabelle Laverdière - Christine Lebel - Michel Lemelin - Nicole Malenfant - Céline Marcotte - Lauréat Marois - Marcel Mamis - Renée Maurice - François Morelli - Serge Murphy - Clément Ouellet - Catherine Préfontaine - Jean-François Prost - Manon Quintal - Marie-Andrée Rho - Alfredo Rivera - Gabriel Routhier - Natalie Roy - Martine Savard - Helga Schlitter - Chantal Séguin - Denis Simard - Michel St-Onge - Carlos Ste-Marie - Jeannie Thib - Diane Thuot - Gilline Tran - Yves Tremblay - Armand Vaillancourt - Ruth Veilleux - Giorgia Volpe
Selected authors:
Anick Arsenault - Serge Bergeron - Carole Dubé - Rachel Dubuc - Marie-Christine Dugal - Jean-Claude Gagnon - Mariève Jean - Nicolas Kis - André Marceau - Christine Martel - Martin Renaud - Michel Viger