DARE-DARE invites you to propose in socius interventions, in order to generate situations and aggregations that are anchored in a diversity of places and in extra-artistic spheres of activity.

an open call proposed by: Christian Bujold, Francys Chenier, Christine Comeau, Marie-Suzanne Désilets, Steve Giasson, Mathieu Lacroix, Catherine Lalonde Massecar and Martin Dufrasne
Context | The urban articulation project DIS/LOCATION derives its title from a diverging and complementary stance, welded together with a forward slash. This unconventional assemblage keeps ambivalent keeps well alive the ambivalent meanings, without cancelling them out. Like a hinge, this pivot point ensures flexibility and plays through a balancing act, swinging scope and reach dramatically to convene with ideas that could otherwise not collide. Thus, through this play, notions related to movement, nomadism, drift and loss of landmarks intersect those connected to anchoring, immobility, positioning and linked to place and context.
Since 2004, DIS/LOCATION has increased the quantity of artistic interventions in public space, which operate under the banner of furtive art, invisibility, and the promotion and exploration of marginalized contexts. For the coming year, we wish to encourage projects that rally and assemble and which question the collective sense of community by relying on the organization of gatherings and participatory activities as its modus operandi.
In the era of the agora of each person in their home, « living together » through online social networks, where online « presence » makes the appearance of one being more and more « interrelated » everywhere and nowhere, omniscient witnesses to live feeds, and « committed » to several causes, what is the importance of tangible proximity? Are there still reasons to meet each other in a same physical space, on a recurring basis, for exchange?
DARE-DARE invites you to propose in socius interventions, in order to generate situations and aggregations that are anchored in a diversity of places and in extra-artistic spheres of activity (factories, workplaces, hospitals, businesses, chapels, elderly residences, sports clubs, train stations, parks, community centres, homes, etc.) DARE-DARE situates its upcoming programming around the social questioning through this theme the idea of artist-run centres, and of its double role as landmark/haven, of point of reference and refuge.
Propose us interventions that are inspired from or that revisit collective models of: schools, squads, think tanks, organizations, partnerships, private clubs, cliques, clans, or tribes. Realized within a merging of common energy and knowledge, the interventions may take the form of, for instance: The Gathering Society, The Bureau of Meetings, The Initiation Circle, The Assembly of Assemblies, The Conspiracy Factory, The Meeting of the Frustrated, The Unavowed Community, The Reception Centre, etc.
This year the programming committee will give special attention to projects that address notions of encounter, exchange, transmission and sharing. Projects taking place on the grassy area around DARE-DARE's headquarters or in the surrounding neighbourhood, the Sud-Ouest district, Saint-Henri, Pointe-Saint-Charles, Little Burgundy and Griffintown, will also be favoured.
DARE-DARE invites artists to propose projects that liberate themselves from traditional notions of time, or that re-set the conventional one-month format to actualize -as we would hope- a transgression of the standardized modes of presentation proper to artistic intervention. The projects could rely on cyclical periods of appearance/disappearance, departing from the fleeting instantaneous to the never-ending. We are expecting audacious propositions that seek to renew the collective experience of the city by locating art in unspoken zones in order to discuss, negotiate, ignore, amplify, transcend or submit to time constraints as well as to challenge preconceived ideas associated with artistic intervention.
DARE-DARE also invites artists that wish to explore, either by intervening outside of the recognized fields of expertise of their artistic practices, or by experimenting new research junctures through pairing themselves with a collaborator (artist or non-artist) .
The artist or collective must be in a position to develop a presentation strategy for their project. DARE-DARE commits to organizing a round table discussion where artists will be invited to present and discuss their intervention. The artists of the 2016 programing will be paired with an author/theoretician (who may be from a variety of disciplines, including but not limited to: sociology, economy, history, psychoanalysis, politicology, philosophy, etc.), in order to reflect and present the work together. During their residency, the author/theoretician will conduct theoretical research on the projects presented within the framework of this year's call for submissions, on the issues tackled and the various concerns raised.
DARE-DARE only accepts internet applications (15 Mg max for entire file)
Send your proposals before December 1st, 2015 (midnight) to :
DARE-DARE offers :
- an honorarium
- author's rights
- reimbursement for project materials
- project publicity
- help securing necessary authorizations and permits
Support material:
- 300 words artist statement
- 200 words on intended project direction (possible work direction, context as well as the form(s) that the work may take)
- brief description of foreseeable technical needs
- CV
- 15 images + access to web site (if desired)
DARE-DARE only accepts internet applications (15 Mg max for entire file)
Send everything before December 1st, 2015 (midnight) to :
DARE-DARE forges ahead with its urban poetry/writing project. Borrowing from short form sentence structure such as slogans, haikus or tweets, these short phrases, aphorisms, onomatopoeias, poems or questions are showcased for a week's time on an illuminated sign. The texts are visible, day and night, for the thousands of passers-by that transit through the area surrounding the artist-run centre's mobile trailer.
The selection committee reserves the right to choose four to ten sentences of the proposed compositions, in order to showcase one sentence a week, for a period of four to ten weeks.
Send us your short phrases proposals (Note that these must be a maximum of 15 words for a total of 105 characters including spaces, all on five lines of 21 characters each).
DARE-DARE offers :
- an honorarium
- author's rights
- project publicity
- usage of necessary materials (letters and luminous box)
Support material :
- 10 brief sentence constructions (maximum 15 words)
- 200 words project description
- Short biography
- CV