We keep the new formula and would like to offer this part of the program to two authors, they both will spend a short residence at the center to find their inspiration and create their 24 written formulae.

DARE-DARE forges ahead with its urban poetry/writing project. Borrowing from short form sentence structure such as slogans, haikus or tweets, these short phrases, aphorisms, poems or questions are showcased for a week's time on an illuminated sign. The texts are visible, day and night, for the thousands of passers-by that transit through the area surrounding the artist-run centre's mobile trailer.
We keep the new formula and would like to offer this part of the program to two authors, they both will spend a short residence at the center to find their inspiration and create their 24 written formulae. These 48 proposals will constitute the set of the ongoing programming. For each of the authors, the residence will have to stretch in two stays of two weeks, spread on two seasons.
DARE-DARE offers:
- Artist fee
- Reproduction fee
- Project promotion
- The loan of the necessary materials (letters and luminous sign)
Send your proposals before December 31, 2018 to
Support material requested:
- 500-words residency project description
- Short biography
- Resume
Please be careful to fill in the subject line of your e-mail with the following: CALL FOR PROPOSALS_URBAN WRITING RESIDENCY