Camping Aux bons plaisirs fugaces
A festive and community event, the Aux bons plaisirs fugaces campground will offer various participatory activities under the Rosemont viaduct: hikes, collective meals, screen printing, projections, music and creation of a starry sky...
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From June 5 through 8, owners of the Camping Aux bons plaisirs fugaces (Fine Fleeting Fancies Campground) will be inaugurating their new site located in the park with no name in the Plateau Mont-Royal borough. Urban camping? Not quite. Owners will assign each project a creative site, in which thirteen artists will explore and expand the possibilities of the tent and other common camping accessories as artistic mediums.
The Campground has various participative activities in store for this community get-together/festive event taking place under the Van Horne/Rosemont overpass such as: walks, collective meals, silk-screen printing, screenings, music as well as the creation of a starry night sky… The grounds will be open to visitors from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Artists will be onsite for four consecutive days, working on and transforming their creative sites so that they evolve throughout the event. Why not seize this opportunity to meet and talk with them over a few roasted marshmallows?
Camper’s Party (vernissage): Friday, June 6 from 6 to 11 p.m.
Grounds are open between 9 a.m. and 11 p.m.
Artists onsite: Gina Badger and Nika Khanjani, Joëlle Couturier, Gabriel Dufresne and Émilie Plank, Yannick Guéguen and Edith Normandeau, Aidan Jeffery, Pascaline Knight, Rodolphe-Yves Lapointe, jenna maclellan, Julien Poirier and Nancy R. St-Laurent
Site owners: Priscilla R. Kauffmann, Mathieu Lacroix, Catherine Lescarbeau and Marjolaine Samson
Camping artists:
Gina Badger and Nika Khanjani - Survival Tacticts / Pratiques provisoires
Production of a video about urban survival strategies in a state of emergency, when camping becomes mandatory. Editing and projection on site.
Joëlle Couturier - Dites-moi que vous m’aimez, je miaule (séduisez-vous les uns les autres)
Installation of a tent-trailer in the park. Performances and staging around the mobile home. Call to seduction with megaphone. Sausage party on the closing Sunday.
Gabriel Dufresne and Émilie Plank - Tenter l’impossible ou tangram à domicile
Construction of a tent in the evening with the Chinese tangram shapes as a starting point. Tangram game with visitors and campers during the day.
Yannick Guéguen and Edith Normandeau - Promenades d’écoute
Hiking around the campsite with the objective of characterizing ambient sounds through listening exercises. Creation of a sound "score" following the walks. Installation of a scientific camp. Departure of the walks from the campground and the Rosemont metro station.
Aidan Jeffery - Eating Your Way Through the Urban Campsite
Nutritious walks around the campground with food collection in the garbage. Recipe development. Dinner in the evening.
Pascaline Knight - ¿Si no hay techo, que hay? (Si y a pas de toit, y a quoi?)
Installation of a silk-screening table on the campsite. Live printing of words and drawings on the clothes that visitors will bring.
Rodolphe-Yves Lapointe - Comptoir de noeuds et Je ne fais que passer
Installation of a knot counter on the campground site to discover the usefulness and variety of existing knots. Series of performative games around the idea I'm just passing through, testifying to the ephemeral nature of the camping action.
jenna maclellan - Tant qu’il y a des étoiles / As Long as There Are Stars
On-site star-making workshop. Installation of a starry sky for campers and visitors.
Julien Poirier and Nancy R. St-Laurent - Underground
Series of performances built over four days with the project of creating an underground, flooding it and eventually inaugurating it.