Caroline Boileau
Je me dilapide en renoncements
This project stems from a research on the concept of container inscribing itself between the poles of the industrial world and the organic world, between technicity and nature.

Je me dilapide en renoncements stems from a research on the concept of container inscribing itself between the poles of the industrial world and the organic world, between technicity and nature. "Each piece is born from the metamorphosis of an object into another. Moving through different curtains composed of glass vials of antibiotics, paper cells, wax and polythene, the visitor saw his body isolated, fragmented, deformed, invaded, measured by assemblies evoking the hospital environment.
The curtain, in our daily life, protects our intimacy of the glance of the others. It separates the intimate space from the public space as opposed to the hospital environment where it marks the division between sterile and non-sterile zones, between health and illness, between the doctor who observes and the patient who suffers. It is not medical imaging per se that interests me but rather the place of the person as a body-mind entity in contemporary scientific medicine.
Caroline Boileau lives and works in Montreal. She holds a bachelor's degree in visual arts from UQAM. This project marks a return to a sculptural practice after several years of research in painting, drawing and engraving.