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À la recherche de la variable humaine (X)

To explore the theme of “Methods and games of space: zones of existence" as part of DARE-DARE's programming, Catherine Lalonde Massecar proposes an approach based on the Machine génératrice de protocoles (mgP) she created in 2022.

À la recherche de la variable humaine (X)

(mmP) (mgP) = (nS) * 

 Catherine Lalonde Massecar

X, 2X, X/3, X^2,

√X, X^3, ln(X), sin(X), tan(X), |X|, cos(X),

Σ(2X + X/3 + X^2 + √X + X^3 + ln(X) + sin(X) + tan(X) + |X| + cos(X))

Variable X

Borrowed from the Latin variabilis, which can change, vary.

In mathematics, a variable is an unknown value that varies within a set of numbers. A variable is denoted by a letter. In an interdisciplinary artistic process [in the public space] based on an equation or formula, the variable X helps to identify the unknown factors within the set of different elements to be taken into account.

To explore the theme of “Méthodes et jeux de l'espace: zones d'existences” in the DARE-DARE program, Catherine Lalonde Massecar proposes an approach based on the Machine génératrice de protocoles (mgP) she created in 2022. Putting this machine into action involves executing the formula (mmP) (mgP) = (nS), and leads to the generation of new systems for creating and conceptualizing artistic maneuvers and operations.

À la recherche de la variable humaine (X) proposes to rethink this formula by integrating factors related to the human encounter (xRH) and the impermanence of the territory of action (xTA). 

Summer and fall 2024 

  • Investigation and research into existing formulas 
  • Exploration of locations and writing of new equations 
  • Application: equations, mgP, variables, etc. 
  • Reflection and final action(s)

Acknowledgements (1st stage) : 

Formula emitters (X) July 3 and 4, 2024: Laurence Beaudoin Morin, Sylvie Laplante, Paul Bradley, Nicolas Bernier and Mary Massecar (also scriptwriter/calligrapher). 

* Protocol generating machine (mgP) :

Méta-méta protocole (mmP) Let the ideas, words, sparks and images that occupy our minds appear, and which will enable us to formulate, at the limit of consciousness and what escapes it, some instructions for establishing a protocol-generating machine (mgP).

Protocol-generating machine (mgP) Instinctively/machinically execute a sequence of operations over a period of time determined by the meta-meta protocol (mmP).

New system (nS) Allow a code, formula, concept or sign to emerge from the protocol-generating machine (mgP). Formulate the new system (nS). Carnets de l'Opéra-Manœuvre, 2022, p.47 Catherine Lalonde Massecar 

Catherine Lalonde Massecar

Catherine Lalonde Massecar has been working in the field of interdisciplinary arts for some fifteen years, as an artist-researcher and instigator of projects involving material and immaterial forms in the real world. Her proposals oscillate between collaborative artist/community creations in Montreal's Centre-Sud district (where she founded Péristyle Nomade) and experimental and infiltration projects in multiform locations (solo and with Duo Massecar-d'Orion). She holds a Master's degree in theater from UQAM, with a thesis on artistic infiltration and the fragmentation of dramaturgy in urban territory (2011). She is currently completing a doctorate in arts studies and practice (2024), focusing on the Opéra-Manœuvre to explore the paradoxical and unpredictable encounter between artistic maneuvering and the concept of opera, in order to amplify the relationship to the world. Translated with (free version)