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Christiane Desjardins

Mouvements de fond sans gravité

The artist presents a series of photographs of bodies immersed in water, where transparency becomes doubly present as a real medium and virtual image.

The artist presents a series of photographs of bodies immersed in water, where transparency becomes doubly present as a real medium and virtual image.

The artist articulates her research around the effects derived from the technique of liquid emulsion. With her fragments of bodies photographed underwater, seews transparent supports, her recurring motifs, she brings the spectator closer to the formlessness and the strangeness. Photography becomes the medium of loss and is similar to the psychoanalytical concept of libidinal drive and scopic drive or the search for pleasure and the lost object.

Christiane Desjardins lives and works in Montreal. As part of the Mois de la photo, this exhibition under the theme "De la lumière" is presented in collaboration with Dazibao, Skol and La Centrale. With the collaboration of curator Karine Roussel.