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Christine Maigne


Christine Maigne proposes to make pilosities appear on the walls of the gallery which are usually devoid of them.

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Christine Maigne (Villejuif, France) proposes to make pilosities appear on the walls of the gallery which are usually devoid of them. The hairs in question are black rubber rods implanted or glued to the wall. In its relationship to the architectural constructed place, the unusual presence of hair encourages open questions. Is it a positive life force? a degeneration of the wall? a parasitic element? something natural or artificial? With a great economy of means, she challenges our usual relationship to a known place.

Christine Maigne lives and works in Paris. Moving from photography to installation, she alternates the production of various objects: shaggy, flowing holes, white holes, etc. In 1999, she came to Montreal to plant her vegetables in the middle of winter (Le Potager, site-specific installation, galerie Vox). In 2000, she offered her gardening lesson within the walls of articule. She returns this year for her eruption. She is also the author of a monumental project (Le champ d'expérience, Angers, 2001) in which concrete lends itself to organic metamorphoses.