Fundraising Event
5th edition of the legendary DARE-DARE Gala! Party for the benefit of DARE-DARE activities, which brings together about twenty artists during a festive evening where performances, videos and musical performances are presented.
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You are invited to the 5th edition of the legendary DARE-DARE Gala! Party for the benefit of DARE-DARE activities, which brings together about twenty artists during a festive evening where performances, videos and musical performances are presented. All just in time for Halloween! This evening is organized by members of the DARE-DARE funding committee: Manon Tourigny, Marlene Ferrari, Catherine Lescarbeau, Simon Lafreniere, Marjolaine Samson and Valérie Perron.
At Espace Jean Brillant
661 Rose-De-Lima street, corner St-Jacques O. Lionel-Groulx metro
Price at the entrance : $ 5
Moderator: Marc-Antoine K. Phaneuf
Artists: Elly Van Eeghem, Danny Gaudreault, Jonathan Brabant Béliveau, Olivier Finn, Émilie Payeur, Hugues Clément and Stéphanie Saucier, Sophie Castonguay and Bélinda Campbell, Catherine Guérin, Mathieu Blanchette and Patrick Vézina, Médéric Boudreault, Anaconda (Jean-François Leboeuf and Benjamin Tremblay), Total Music with Georges Rebboh and Dominique Sirois, RAKAM and 1652 dufresne.