To increase and refine its field of action, DARE-DARE innovates this year and grafts a punctual radio component to its programming.
Three original audio projects will be broadcast between November 1 and 25, 2014 on the DARE-DARE 102.9 fm radio channel.
In order to increase and refine its field of action, DARE-DARE is innovating this year and grafting a one-time radio component to its programming. This will allow us to extend the territories explored by the artists and to push further our incursion into the furtive and infiltrating modes of art's presence in the real. DARE-DARE RADIO marks the first decade of DIS/LOCATION: an urban articulation project initiated by DARE-DARE in 2004. It will broadcast from November 1-25, 2014 on 102.9 fm.
La Musique de tout le monde | 22 hrs 10 min.
Collective project by Magali Babin and Sylvie Cotton
La Musique de tout le monde, an interdisciplinary project by Magali Babin and Sylvie Cotton, began in August 2013. It consisted of approaching the residents of the Habitations Jeanne-Mance (HJM) complex with the aim of then realizing several sound projects.
The artists created three musical compositions whose raw material is the sound list of all the first names of the 290 people who agreed to participate in La Musique de tout le monde. The list became a material that is declined in 3 audio formulations: an enumerative sequence of all the first names, a progressive superposition of all the first names, and a unique accumulation of all the first names. In the end, the two artists have drawn from this fabric of encounters and words, a sound signal that they decide to broadcast publicly as the heard and recognized symbol of this human presence in the heart of the urban world. This sound becomes the indicator of the presence of these human lives in the daily domestic, intimate and family life, and living in the heart of Montreal and more precisely, in its historical, social and now also artistic nerve center.
Overall, the work emanates the interdisciplinarity desired by Babin and Cotton, and brings to the forefront the relational vocation of the project, preserved at all stages of realization.
The second component is a 21-hour radio program broadcasting the residents' favorite musical choices associated with the sound creations.
The area occupied by the Habitations Jeanne-Mance (HJM), a neighborhood adjacent to Dare-Dare and a historic community site in Montreal, was spared by the redevelopment of the downtown area that has become the "chic" Quartier des spectacles. It is one of the few residential areas to have been saved. This new space, mainly commercial, and said to have a cultural vocation, now features entertainment of all kinds, inside and outside, 365 days a year.
It is in this context that the project La Musique du monde de tout le monde (Everyone's World Music) is being set up: it is a reminder, on the periphery of all this agitation, not only of the presence of the citizens who reside at the JMH, but also of the diverse cultural affiliations, little recognized, and even little known, of nearly 2000 people.
*Special thanks to Thierry Gauthier for his precious technical help.
Le lutteur à l’eau de rose | 72:00 min.
Guillaume Boudrias-Plouffe
The audio project proposed by Guillaume Boudrias-Plouffe is a follow-up to an extended performance realized on September 24, 2014 in front of the Musée d'art Contemporain de Montréal. This performance was intended as a tribute to the late singer Fernand Gignac who passed away in 2006.
It was in 1964 that the late Fernand Gignac (1934-2006) became Mr. Radio-Television and took advantage of this momentum to perform solo at Place des Arts (concert endorsed TF-347). However, it was at the age of 9 that he sang alone in public for the first time; in a wrestling ring! 70 and 50 years after these two moments of glory, you are invited to offer a tribute, without irony and in all modesty, to the one who will have rocked the heart of thousands of Quebecers. This emblematic character, master of ceremonies and charming singer, radio host and television man, will have fought all his life as a proud representative of a culture too often qualified as second-rate. He left no one indifferent. It is on the esplanade of the Place des Arts, in front of the museum of contemporary art that the participants were able to sing his greatest hits, for the happiness... or the misfortune of all.
The sound montage that Boudrias-Plouffe offers us, combines an interview conducted in spring 2014 with Mr. Benoit Gignac the son and biographer of this variety artist and, sound clips from the participatory performance Le lutteur à l'eau de rose in which we can recapture the great hits of Fernand Gignac.
Minorité invisible | 74:11 min.
Collective project by Mélissa Simard, Pedro Carbajal, Simon Douville
Realisation : Mélissa Simard et Camilche Cardenas
Minorité invisible must be listened to with a blindfold on. The subject of the project is the dissemination and poetization of sound territory, the search for the invisible. The radio triptych is composed of an experience of urban wandering in the company of three people living with a visual disability. The creation is conceived in such a way that the listener is overwhelmed by the sound-images and other spatial and sensory referents used by the visually impaired in their daily life in the city.
In the tone of confidence, the listener becomes a privileged witness of the past (memories) and present of the blind guide. The individual has decided on the itinerary, the public or private places to visit, by delivering his desires, his impressions/reflections on the places through the interpretation of sounds, smells, etc. It is thus a (re)discovery oriented on letting go, the incursion in the daily moment, the stroll, the time which stops by putting between brackets for the listener the sense of the sight. We are thus in the presence of an unexplored territory, that of a world without vision.
The listener is led to understand how to orient oneself through the invisible, how the sensory resources of the sighted become obsolete in an environment based on auditory and tactile imagination. The narrative of the visually impaired person is mixed with audio art effects and sound abstraction aiming at times to surprise, destabilize, or affect the emotion of the listener. The city is an important character in the landscape of Invisible Minority, it can be touched, heard, but not seen. We thus propose a total incursion into the world of the voice, the sounds, the noise, the rhythms of the city, of the steps which go along a blind stroll.
VVV - UNE TRILOGIE D'ODYSSÉES TRANSFRONTIÈRES a meeting with Patrick Beaulieu and Daniel Canty with the trans-atlantic participation of Alexis Pernet and a musical performance by Hraïr Hratchian and Lisa Gamble
In April 2013, Patrick Beaulieu and Daniel Canty invited us to discover VVV, a trilogy of cross-border odysseys. At Patrick Beaulieu's initiative, our two adventure companions elected to track through the roads of America the signs of a secret geography, where political divisions fade in the light of poetic revelations.
In 2007, they embarked on Vector monarca, following by land the migratory path of monarch butterflies across North America on board the Monarca Mobile, a postal truck modified into an art gallery and pseudo-scientific observatory. In 2010, for Ventury they followed the winds of America from Chicago, The Windy City, with the Blue Rider, a Ford Ranger truck equipped with a windsock and a weathervane. The author Dauphin Vincent and the landscape architect Alexis Pernet were also part of the adventure, and the miracle of telepresence will allow the latter to share his experience of the windy road with us live. The final part of the trilogy,Vegas, ) launched Patrick and Daniel in 2012 on the roads of chance from Las Vegas, Nevada. This time they traveled in the Magic Dart, a Dodge Dart with a makeshift wheel on the hood adorned with the twenty-one symbols of a Western I Ching.
The cross-border agents tell the story of how they surrendered to forces beyond themselves in order to experience their full poetic potential. They present the result of these continental experiences and encounters: a body of work combining installations, videos, photographs, geopoetic maps, found objects and literary texts. They are currently preparing a geopoetic atlas, VVV, a bookish sum of seven years of peregrinations.
On the program: images, videos and readings, ghostly melodies, curious discussions, alcoholic comfort, adventurous spirit, lyrical humor, aesthetic ecstasy and naive science.
ABC MTL : D pour Dis/location une table-ronde
En mars 2013, à l'invitation du CCA, Le centre de diffusion d’art multidisciplinaire DARE-DARE présente les enjeux rencontrés lors des cinq amarrages de Dis/location et propose de discuter des limites de la diffusion d’oeuvres multidisciplinaires dans l’espace public. Cette table ronde se tiendra en compagnie d’artistes-membres : André-Éric Létourneau, Douglas Scholes et Julie Faubert; de Geneviève Massé, coordonnatrice à la programmation; et de Michel Demers, Chef de Division à la Culture de l’arrondissement Ville-Marie. Le centre DARE-DARE a participé à ABC : MTL, une plateforme ouverte présentée au CCA, qui cartographie le Montréal contemporain de façons multiples et à l’aide de différentes techniques.