Book launch
Dis/location 1 - Projet d’articulation urbaine : Square Viger
This book continues the reflection initiated by the members and collaborators of DARE-DARE with the first part of Dis/location: urban articulation project, which led the center to relocate its offices in 2004 in a temporary shelter at Square Viger until in 2006.
This book continues the reflection initiated by DARE-DARE members and collaborators with the first part of Dis/location: projet d'articulation urbaine, which led the center to move its offices in 2004 to a temporary shelter in Viger Square until 2006. The book retraces the main milestones that led to the realization of this innovative initiative, showing the variety of artistic practices disseminated and the importance of the questions raised.
For the publication's authors - artists, architects, sociologists and journalists - Viger Square, a key location in the urban geography of Montreal, represents the starting point for a complex reflection on the links between art and public space, in both their material and symbolic dimensions. The intervention of DARE-DARE and the projects of the artists in the program become an exceptional platform where the various theories and methods of analysis of the authors are articulated. In this sense, the book goes beyond the boundaries of Viger Square and the art world, questioning the relationship between art and social life.
Julie Boivin, Jean-Pierre Caissie, Jérôme Delgado, Raphaëlle de Groot, Marie-Suzanne Désilets, Louis Jacob, Fabien Loszach, Jean-François Prost, Armando Silva
Artists + participants :
Douglas Scholes, Hannah Jickling, Valerie Salez, Myriam Yates, Camille Turner, Éric Raymond, Valérie Lamontagne, Patric Lacasse, David Jhave Johnston, Milutin Gubash, Mario Côté, Michael Alstad, Belinda Campbell, Manuelle Gauthier, Zipertatou, Mathieu Latulippe, Frédéric Lavoie, Martin Lord, Thomas Grondin, Rose-Marie Goulet, Jean-Maxime Dufresne, Virginie Laganière, Louis-Philippe Ogé, Stéphanie Pelletier, collectif Au travail / At work, Karen Trask, Luc Lévesque, Stéphane Bertrand, Mousse Architecture de Paysage, Sophie Gironnay, Patrice Loubier, Devora Neumark, Lisa Ndejuru, Louis Jacob, Urban Think Tank, Marie-Andrée Rho, Christina Ray (Glowlab), Danyèle Alain (3e Impérial), Pique-Nique, ARGGL!, Jean-Denis Boudreau, Philippe Côté, Olivier Grossetête, Helena Martin Franco, DOCOMOMO Québec, Geneviève et Matthieu, Véronique Soustelle, Charlene K. Lau, Céline Boucher, Noeli, Olivia Boudreau, Caroline Dubois, Victor Rodrigue, Sylvie Demers, Patrick Geoffroy, Jimmy Lakatos, Pascale Malaterre, Julien Roy, Luis Jacob, Will Munro, David Armstrong Six, Les Fermières obsédées, Awesome and Deloro.
Graphic Design : Denis Rioux
2008, 176 pages
ISBN 978-2-9805640-3-1
28 $
Book launch
Dis/location: projet d’articulation urbaine. Square Viger
Sunday December 21, 2008 at 14h
at the Canadian Centre for Architecture
1920 Baile St, Montreal