Book launch
DIS/LOCATION 2 - Projet d'articulation urbaine : parc sans nom
In order to leave a trace of its passage following each of its Dis/location, DARE-DARE is happy to launch its new publication which relates its docking at Parc sans nom. Under the theme of « De la faillibilité et de l’échec », the experiences at the park and the projects put forward by DARE-DARE are revisited, highlighting the "laboratory" approach of the artist center.

Autors :
Clara Bonnes Rewind | Susanne Bosch Failure is Cool | Jean-Pierre Caissie Bread and Gutter | J. R. Carpenter In absentia | Marie-Suzanne Désilets and César Saëz About the Geostationary Banana Over Texas Project | Ève Dorais Form doesn't Create Content :Viva ! art d’exécution at DARE-DARE | Pascal Nicolas-Le Strat The Ecosophic Conversion of Creative Practice of the Power of Indeterminacy Valérie Perron Administrative anecdotes | Dan Pitera If it Works, Then It Is Obsolete.
In order to leave a trace of its passage following each of its Dis/location, DARE-DARE is happy to launch its new publication which relates its docking at Parc sans nom. Under the theme of « De la faillibilité et de l’échec », the experiences at the park and the projects put forward by DARE-DARE are revisited, highlighting the "laboratory" approach of the artist center.