Fabuler l'école
DARE-DARE continues its experimental school project. This second edition will be an opportunity to experiment with ways of transmitting and learning in DUO, to develop forms of resilient pedagogies in times of health and social crises.
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DARE-DARE continues its experimental school project. This second edition is an opportunity to experiment with ways of transmitting and learning in DUO, to develop forms of resilient pedagogies in times of health and social crises. Teams are formed twice to explore, on a face-to-face basis, different modes of inter-transmission of knowledge. Fabuler l'école - Tête-à-tête is for anyone wishing to engage in a learning process and a quest for (de)formation.
This laboratory is based on the desire to collectively reflect on engagement through art or other activities, the procedural dimension of practices and the ways of occupying public and private spaces from a decolonial perspective. In the current circumstances, the members of the Critical Space Committee felt the need, more than ever, to reimagine school. The committee is looking for ways to rebuild meaningful human relationships during this long period of confinement; resist the default use of digital platforms (social media, video conferencing applications); and think about new ways to combine creation, action, collective intelligence, activism and physical distancing. How to rethink the modes of transmission and learn in an alternative way? How to be together? How to act in solidarity? How to occupy public space?
Participants 2020
Benjamin J. Allard - Danielle Arcand - Charles-Antoine Blais-Métivier - Éveline Boudreau - Amélie Brindamour - Sylvaine Chassay - Julie Chateauvert - Sylvie Cotton - Iris Debauve -Guillaume Dufour Morin - Mathilde Forest - Karine Fournier - Catherine Gagné - Emmanuelle Jacques - Julie-Isabelle Laurin - Irène Mayer - Hugo Nadeau - Anne-Marie Ouellet - Annie-Kim Rainville - Carla Rangel - Anouk Verviers.
Fabuler l'école is a project initiated by members of the Critical Space Committee :
Isabelle Boucher, Catherine Lalonde Massecar, Elise Anne LaPlante, Véronique Leblanc and Anne-Marie Ouellet.