Fabuler l'école
Creuser un trou
On June 14, participants from Fabuler l'école joined forces at Charejo farm, located in Lanaudière, to continue the "Creuser un trou" process begun last year.
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Initiated in 2019, Fabuler l'école is an experimental school project for imagining and experimenting with alternative pedagogies. In the last edition, which took place last year, participants created a pedagogical tool in the form of a notebook entitled Creuser un trou (Digging a hole). The action of digging a hole was intended to act as a motor for delving deeper into a subject, but also as a pretext for play, collaboration and reflection.
On June 14, Fabuler l'école participants joined forces at Ferme Charejo, in the Lanaudière region, to continue this process.
DARE-DARE would like to warmly thank Laetitia de Coninck and Charles Duval for welcoming us.