On the billboard will lay beasts, half asleep beasts, attentive to the to and fro movements of their stomachs.
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Poet and essayist, Gabrielle Giasson Dulude is writing a thesis-essay in literary studies, she strives for the written voice while maintaining a practice of the sung voice, and brings forward a reflexion, in which form and content are inseparable, on essay writing. On mime chants. Along with Étienne Decroux (Noroît), she was rewarded the Spirale Eva-Le-Grand prize as well as the award Contre-jour de l’essai littéraire.

On the billboard will lay beasts, half asleep beasts, attentive to the to and fro movements of their stomachs, ruminants trying to stay up, or to lie down, as if they had nothing else to do : inhabit, digest, make their cords vibrate. And repeat – maybe practise – interior gestures. I will write the action of ruminating, it will last for a moment, or the billboard’s own time, and when the moment comes, I will concentrate on leaving a place for another, answering each time to the voice that sings in the distance – and resonates within – when it calls its herd.