GRAF' Roulotte
The project will peak by the realization of a collective mural on the outer surfaces of DARE-DARE’s trailer office.
GRAF'roulotte Workshops
Thought of as a mentoring program, these eight workshops create an extraordinary opportunity for encounters, exchanges and learning, fostering direct contact with professional artists and aiming specifically to create a collective work with them.
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The GRAF'Roulotte project involves creating a collective mural on the exterior surfaces of DARE-DARE's mobile shelter. To achieve this, DARE-DARE approached two community organizations - Oxy Jeunes and Innovation Jeunes - whose mandate is to provide teenagers with access to artistic practice and culture as a lever for empowerment, self-fulfillment and social inclusion, as well as the professional artist collective EN MASSE, who will act as cultural mediators and mentors for 10 selected participants.
EN MASSE's collective mural practice is part of the LowBrow/pop surrealism movement. It is strongly influenced by the worlds of comics, graffiti, manga, advertising graphics and tattoo aesthetics. Following a series of six intensive creative workshops led by artists Rupert Bottenberg and Pascal Rodrigue, the teens and artists will gather at DARE-DARE on August 5-6 and 7 for a festive, collective weekend of live painting.
Thanks to : Rupert Bottenberg, Pascal Rodrigue, Omen -, Lateef Martin, Krista Bursey and Jason Botkin[EN MASSE] who participated with the 10 teens.
Thanks to : Jesse Dillon, Jonathan Tavares, Daphné Ostiguy, Alexander Stinis, Zachary Hughes, Isaiah Wuelfrath, Maya Bryant Elliott and the rest of Innovation Jeunes.