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Hélène Goyette and Britta Klingenstierna

Drawing and sculpture

Juxtaposed with Hélène Goyette's drawings, Britta Klingenstierna presents these "civilized circles", a series of paper mache vases.

The gallery brings together two artists in one place. First of all, through drawing, Hélène Goyette accumulates signs through a game of suggestive connections. Through a figurative approach, the artist develops some fragmented hypotheses that refer to the world of beings and familiar objects used to feed or build a shelter. On the floor, juxtaposed with Hélène Goyette's drawings, Britta Klingenstierna presents us with these "civilized circles", a series of paper mache vases. These 11 spheres with fragile walls like eggshells follow one another in space in a decreasing manner, fitting together like Russian dolls. By adding pieces of geographical maps, the artist reminds us of the fragility of our planet, its powerlessness in the face of our difficulty to respect its limits.