Infiniment petit 1990
Interdisciplinary event
DARE-DARE repeats the experience of "Petites pièces", but with a leap into the even smaller, into the Infinitely small: the works will not exceed 3 inches x 3 inches.

DARE-DARE held an annual "Small Pieces" exhibition in which artists were challenged to create a small-scale work no larger than one foot by one foot. The event brought together works by artists who had exhibited at DARE-DARE or who had demonstrated a strong commitment to the gallery.
This year, the experience is repeated, but with a leap into the even smaller, into the Infinitely Small: the works will not exceed 3 inches x 3 inches.
Also, on the evening of the opening on Thursday, November 29 at 6pm, Hélène Monette, author of Lettres insolites, will give a reading-performance.
Participating artists : Stéphanie Béliveau, Khosro Berahmandi, Nathalie Caron, Dominique Chalifoux, Carmen Coulombe, Marie Décary, Michèle Delisle, John Lindsay Gouws, Danielle Hébert, Dominique Laquerre, Josée Lambert, Aline Martineau, Michael Meredith, Lise Nantel, Sylvie Raquer, Paul Sabyan.