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Infiniment petit 1993

Fundraising Event

DARE-DARE invites last season's artists to create a work no larger than 3 inches x 3 inches.

DARE-DARE held an annual "Small Pieces" exhibition in which artists were challenged to create a small work of art no larger than one foot by one foot. The event brought together works by artists who have exhibited at DARE-DARE or who have had a strong involvement with the gallery. This year the gallery is doing the same, but with a leap into even smaller, Infinitely Small, works will not exceed 3 inches x 3 inches.

Susie Acheson, Carmen Audet, Lorraine Bénic, Ninon Bernatchez, Alain Bouchard, Marie Bourassa, Nancy Bourassa, Nicole Brazeau, André Brosseau, Louise Cadieux, Michelle Castegnier, Sylvaine Chassay, Laurent Craste, Jacky Ninh, Eric Drapeau, Agnès Fortin, Isabelle Hayeur, Louise Gagnon, Lucie Gagnon, Pnina Gagnon, Lise Gauthier, Guy Giard, Nathale Grimard, Pierre Hamelin, Danielle Hébert, Sophie Jodoin, Vincent Lafortune, Sophie Lanctôt, Cécile Langlais, Lise-Hélène Larin, Hélène Lord, Suzanne Marcil, Jean Martin, Jeanne Masterson, Suzanne Maurice, Nathalie Mercier, Huguette Miron, Nicole Mageon-Cardin, Michèle Morin, Marie-Pierre Normand, Louis Pelland, Julie Pelletier, Ginette Prince, Louise Rhéault, Gabriel Routhier, Hubert Soucy, Anick St-Louis, Hannelore Storm, Mario Théberge, Manon B. Thibault, Christian Tisari, Carren Tyler, Monique Veillette, Linda Venne, Sarla Voyer et Robert Wolfe.