Interstices 4 x 5 à 7
François Quévillon, Lynn Hughes & Simon Laroche, Adad Hannah, Manon de Pauw, Alexandre Castonguay & Mathieu Bouchard
Interstices is a research group formed by artists exploring the aesthetic and poetic scope of human-computer interfaces in media arts.
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This group carries out creative projects requiring the use, adaptation or fabrication of devices that integrate the participation of the spectator, particularly when this involves the explicit participation of the body. Visit for more information.
Interstices proposed to experience prototypes made by the members of the group. Interstices also invited the public to meet the artists during five-to-seven sessions held every Friday during the event. Interstices is a research group of artists exploring the aesthetic and poetic scope of human-computer interfaces in media arts.
February 26 to March 1, 2003
François Quévillon - States and Intervals
States and Intervals deals with the perception of change by exploring the instability of matter and the phenomenon of chain reactions. This interactive audiovisual installation occupies a corridor into which the spectator is invited to enter so that his movements and position directly influence the unfolding of the images and the composition of the soundtrack. The behaviors of the latter are thus reflected to him by allowing him to maintain with the work a relation oscillating between action and contemplation.
March 5 to 8, 2003
Lynn Hughes & Simon Laroche - Perversely Interactive System
Perversely Interactive System proposes a precarious encounter with a virtual character that reacts favorably or not at all depending on the viewer's nervous state. This work includes a video projection controlled by a wireless tactile interface that reads in real time the variation of the participant's excitement or effort. The piece proposes a situation involving the flesh of a real body and the flickering of a virtual body.
March 12 to 15, 2003
Adad Hannah - Still
The constant interaction with technology has become a commonplace part of everyday life. Applying Pavlov's theory in a technological environment, this project focuses on our increasing acceptance of the authority of dominant technologies. Since technological progress seems to be constantly accelerating, the artist felt an irresistible desire to try to slow it down a bit. This interactive installation addresses the notion of stillness. It explores the conscious or unconscious interaction of the participants with each other and with the screen.
March 15 to 19, 2003
Manon De Pauw - Paragraphie
Paragraphie is an interactive device that does not interpret the meaning of writing, but the rhythm and musicality of the writer's gestures. By amplifying the sound and superimposing images, other visual and sound traces interfere with those of the participant. This situation explores the physical and mental attitudes - such as tension, obsession and withdrawal - that often accompany the work of writing.
March 19 to 22, 2003
beewoo - Habitgram Prototype
Habitgram proposes a mise abyme between the exhibition space, the spectators and the projection of video images. It is a surveillance garment that everyone is invited to put on in turn. Inside it, several miniature cameras are camouflaged to capture the immediate universe of the spectator and then to multiply it by projections in real time on the walls of the gallery in order to experiment a new type of point of view. By wearing the Habitgram in this way, the spectators are also led to "dress" the place where they are.
Friday, March 21, 2002
from noon to 7pm Performance: 8pm
Alexandre Castonguay and Mathieu Bouchard - GridFlowWorkshop
Alexandre Castonguay and Mathieu Bouchard present the GridFlow software through a performance and a workshop. GridFlow is a multidimensional dataflow processing library specialized in image and video processing for the Ruby, jMax, and PureData music and multimedia application programming environments.