Iona Fournier-Tombs
chalking / tracés urbains
The action of drawing brings new ideas, forges connections. To take a piece of chalk and draw designs on the cement is to make the decision to live in the moment, to be open and available to the contingencies of the terrain, weather and people around us.
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The action of drawing brings new ideas, forges connections. To take a piece of chalk and draw designs on the cement is to make the decision to live in the moment, to be open and available to the contingencies of the terrain, weather and people around us.
From traditional and geometric design, with what she can get her hands on from the chosen site (a garbage lid for drawing circles, a string to guide her marks, etc.) Iona constructs different colored mosaics all the while interacting with residents of Habitations de Mentana.
June and July 2009
Habitations de Mentana - HLM - de Mentana Street between Rachel and Duluth.
Until July 23rd:
Iona will be present on Thursdays and Saturdays from 1:00 to 6:00 pm, weather permitting.
Thursday, July 23rd 5 - 7 pm:
Visit and review Chalking/Tracés urbains at Habitations de Mentana,
4095 St-André (between Rachel and Duluth)