Javiera Ovalle Sazie
Anagramanicure - spontaneous support
This action consists of displaying anagrams of the word revolution, created with the help of an experimental manicure.
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DARE-DARE invites you to participate in anagramanicure, an art action by Javiera Ovalle Sazie. Anagrams of the word revolution will be realized through experimental manicure. The mobile manicure station will be installed between DARE-DARE and Saint-Eusèbe-de-Verceil church on Tuesday, August 16th and Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011 at 4pm.
Participants will select an anagram in either French, Spanish or English and the manicure process will be documented. anagramanicure is part of an ongoing art project that had its first iteration in Cuba in May 2011.
RSVP To make an appointment with the manicurist