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Jean-Pierre Aubé

Prélude à l’isolation - Étude sur les possibilités de la vie autarcique

This experience was based on the notion of autarky according to which one is "independent of others or of a community in the face of otherness".

This project took place in two stages: first, Aubé built a windmill equipped with a generator. This provided him with the necessary energy to spend two weeks alone on a small island in the St. Lawrence River*. This experience was based on the notion of autarky, according to which one is "independent of others or of a community in the face of otherness". In the exhibition that followed at DARE-DARE, we found among others the mill that represents "the prelude to this isolation".

Other elements, such as navigation maps and photographic documentation, were added as a result of his stay on the island. The artist describes his projects as "in situ inaccessible. They trace a topography or even a representation of the particularities of the places invested."

* Ile aux lièvres is located in the middle of the St. Lawrence River, between Saint-Siméon to the north, and Rivière-du-Loup to the south. This island and a few others are the property of Duvetnor, an organization dedicated to the protection of the fragile ecosystems of the islands of the St. Lawrence River.

Jean-Pierre Aubé lives and works in Montreal.