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Jocelyn Philibert

Coupe à blanc

Installation in gallery.

To put things in relation by taking them as they are or by creating them, these are the stakes of my work. If materiality fascinates me (the warmth of wood, the cold of aluminum, skin, flesh), relationships fascinate me even more. How things, forms, signs are defined, take or lose meaning while continuing to exist (as in a vacuum!) in relation to each other. This work is done in the midst of a kind of simultaneity that marks our time. I take great pleasure in getting some clarity from it. This installation is also steeped in my personal history. With my father, I frequented the forest a lot and I worked in a factory. These places continue to inhabit me.

- Jocelyn Philibert

Jocelyn Philibert studied communications at the Université du Québec à Montréal. He has presented his work throughout Quebec in solo and group exhibitions at the Horace, Skol, and Chambre blanche galleries, among others. The installation presented here by Jocelyn Philibert began at the Espace virtuel in Chicoutimi in October 199I. The artist thanks the Canada Council for the Arts.