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Nicholas Dawson and Gabrielle Giasson-Dulude


After investing DARE-DARE's public poetry billboard for several months with their own words, Gabrielle Giasson-Dulude (G) and Nicholas Dawson (N) begin their duology by gradually stitching together a common poetic backyard from those known throughout their lives.

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Do you have access to a backyard? That extra room in the summer, space for parties, meetings - seen and heard by the neighbors? Did you ever have one? A fenced off space: wooden fences, vines, a garbage pile, out in the open, furniture rich or poor, new or rusty? What are you memories of the backyard, of where one meditates, where one shares meals? Plants, tomatoes, gravel, where one smokes, cats, dogs, car, shared fence in the back of the yard or access to the back alley, where one drinks. Where did you play as a kid?

After investing DARE-DARE's public poetry billboard for several months with their own words, Gabrielle Giasson-Dulude (G) and Nicholas Dawson (N) begin their duology by gradually stitching together a common poetic backyard from those known throughout their lives.

Poet and essayist, Gabrielle Giasson Dulude is writing a thesis-essay in literary studies, she strives for the written voice while maintaining a practice of the sung voice, and brings forward a reflexion, in which form and content are inseparable, on essay writing. On mime chants. Along with Étienne Decroux (Noroît), she was awarded the Spirale Eva-Le-Grand prize as well as the award Contre-jour de l’essai littéraire.

Writer, artist and researcher, Nicholas Dawson is currently a PhD student in arts studies and practices at UQAM. Self-narrative and research-creation are its main areas of research. In 2017, he published Animitas, a novel about mourning and exile.