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Laetitia de Coninck


The Percolation public writing project was created from an investigation of/with Parc Sainte-Cunégonde, where knowledge and experiential knowledge are distilled and incorporated to create short texts in a geopoetic approach, an approach to places that is both sensitive and poetic.

From May 30 to August 15, Laetitia de Coninck will occupy our illuminated sign in Parc Saia with her poetic body of work Percolation.

The Percolation Public writing project grew out of an investigation of/with Parc Sainte-Cunégonde, where knowledge and experiential knowledge are diluted and incorporated to create short texts in a geopoetic approach, an approach to places that is both sensitive and poetic. The metaphor of percolation, as a gradual impregnation, a movement both lateral and vertical, a passage through a porous medium, a fissured ground, served as a guide both in exploring the site and in writing the proposed texts. How does the eye penetrate? How does one relate to the diversity of bodies and other materialities present? What emerges from this listening, this touching of the world? With particular attention to the porosity of the site and any latent decomposition, the emphasis is on observation and experience in the field (inscription of the body and senses with the site), but also on my research (history, geography, toponymy) about the site. It's in an experimental perspective, by staying with the process and adopting an attitude of openness and drifting, that thought can flow and words can begin to spread their emancipatory power.