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Les dimanches au féminin


DARE-DARE, in collaboration with La Centrale powerhouse, present the literary afternoons.

DARE-DARE, in collaboration with La Centrale powerhouse, present the literary afternoons.


November 1st

Risk: Geneviève Amyot, Carole David, Suzanne Jacob and Josée Yvon.

risk: daring, endangerment, peril. What kind of risk are we talking about? Writing? Being?

November 8

L'irréparable: Louise Cotnoir, Denise Desautels, Madeleine Ouellette-Michalska, Marie Savard, Gail Scott and Louise Warren.

Irreparable: lost, fateful, fatal. Narrating the irreparable, not glossing over the flaws, that which makes sense also makes movement... and digs into our future.

  • La Centrale